What's Spinning

First run with the newly installed Grado Gold 3...

Lou Reed - Rock N Roll Animal


When I was mulling over this switch, @HiFi Guy told me I would dig this cartridge a lot since I was a big fan of live music. Has the man ever been wrong? Not in this lifetime anyway.

Naturally, I picked one of my all-time favorite records - a live album that I've heard a thousand plus times - for the inaugural play. When HiFI gave me the scoop, I thought I knew what he meant. I was right.

First impressions listening to one record - this thing is lively. Lively while remaining uncolored, natural and accurate. It's dynamic - louder louds and softer softs. There's improved detail than I'm used to. By that I mean everything's more sharp and focused. The sound is less "smeared". Being a live music fan, one of the first things I listen for in a recording is a soundstage where I can place the players not only left to right but front to back. The Gold did a great job putting everyone in their proper place on this record.

With one record in the books, Grado Gold takes the gold. Can't wait for her to get few a hours under her belt.
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