Well-Known Member
I’m so shocked you picked this one up!Future - Honest (A1, 2020 VMP R&HH Pressing)
You win some, you lose some. The majority of the R&HH sub for me consists of artists I'm not familiar with and more often than not I'm impressed and they get regular spins. With this one though.....I can already tell it won't be played that much. Just not my thing unfortunately. Still, the pressing sounds good and the colour choice is more imaginative than others.
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I would’ve never thought Selaws! Be sure to pick up the July Rap & Hip-Hop ROTM however! It’s brilliant! It’s by the same producer who produced De La Soul‘s 3 Feet High & Rising! Prince Among Thieves (the July R&HH ROTM), is a cinematic album that is dark, funny and touching! The production is colourful and imaginative! I promise you won’t be disappointed like you are with this Future ROTM!
Props to you for going in on this one blind! Future’s Honest was my very first R&HH ROTM skip! There are only a few tracks out of the 18 I like, so it was an easy skip for me!
What three ROTM’s did you pick up by the way? I’m guessing you grabbed McCoy Tyner, Prince Paul and what was the third one?!?