What's Spinning

Grateful Dead- Grateful Dead Records Collection

Currently spinning “From The Mars Hotel”. Not sure I’m thrilled. First, the vinyl looked nasty from sitting in a shitty heavy plastic inner for 4 years. Cleaning got most of it Second, “US Blues” has a grittiness in the highs I’ve never noticed before. This is my first vinyl copy, so maybe it’s the recording/pressing. I don’t know. “China Doll” and “Unbroken Chain” sound better. Hmmm.

Grateful Dead- Steal Your Face

I’ve not heard this before (I know, I know) and I’m really digging it. Probably more than Europe ‘72. I was fortunate enough to see them 6 times. Always an experience (one resulted in a voluntary visit to a police station, another resulted in tear gas from said police.) Good times? Yep.
