The Collection Playthrough:
And now for something very different as I work through the remainder of the T-Z I have cleaned before starting either a Steely Dan or Stevie Wonder runthrough
127 - Taj Mahal - The Real Thing
Really cool pickup. This was a #3 blind-ish grab and boy did I dig the crap outta it. I think I went back to Fishin Blues five times. Just a super listenable and a blues album which doesn't make you feel blue. The main thing I worry about here is that this sample makes me want to find some more and he has such a ridiculous discography...
128 - Yo Gabba Gabba! - Fantastic Voyages
129 - Yo Gabba Gabba! - Yo Gabba Gabba Hey!
For my money, the best non-Sesame Street children's soundtracks out there. If you're not super familiar with the show, it's kind of an acid trip meets hipster parentdom who just want to not deal with Caillou for 30 minutes created by a couple members of the Aquabats. That may be all you need to know, but for the music, one of the upsides is that its pedigree got some of the greatest and hippest bands/artists of the period to show up and do a song. You can look, but Yo Gabba Gabba Hey alone has Weezer, Jimmy Eat World, My Chemical Romance, Metric, Devo, George Clinton, and Weird Al among many others.