A friend of mine who writes and plays great music has suffered a serious injury that's forced him to scrap a tour with John Moreland and will hamper his ability to earn a living for a significant amount of time.
If you're so inclined, a link to his webstore is below. Thank you, friends.
Lee Bains + Glory Fires
official webstore of Lee Bains III + The Glory Firesstore.thegloryfires.com
Lee Bains + The Glory Fires - Old-Time Folks
View attachment 156755
Huge kudos to them for having shirts in the 3 and 4 XL range AND not charging a fat tax on 'em!
Sadly, however, they do not ship 'em to the hinterlands.
Collection Playthrough #593
The Comet is Coming - Trust in the Lifeforce of the Deep Mystery
Shabaka Hutchings is one of the bestjazzmusicians of this generation.