What's Spinning

What dub reggae records are y'all spinning lately? Looking for recommendations.
about a year ago my local got in a bunch of original pressing Dub albums, I wasn’t familiar with all the titles but I downloaded a bunch of them to familiarize myself and while I only picked up to Raiders of the Lost Dub and Kamikazi Dub, I was gonna pick up the Computerized Dub, but someone beat me too it. Dub Wars was rad too but at that point I felt like I had spent too much on records (for that day).
I got the other variant, but I saw they had 20 of these signed Eco-mix random colors up on Bandcamp, so I got one.

Ghost Woman – Anne, If
Full Time Hobby – FTH444LP, 2023

Limited Eco-Mix variant, limited to 20 signed.

Pressed at GZ


The Alan Skidmore Quintet - Once Upon A Time.... (Deram, 1970 First Mono Pressing)

Such a great mix of styles picked up on this record. The line-up reads as a whos who of British avant-garde jazz but the music is much more restrained for the most part and a straight-ahead session. Great stuff.
Gil Mellé – The Sentinel (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Waxwork Records – WW126, 2019/2023

Subscriber variant

Pressed at MRP/GZ



I picked up the movie a little while ago, but haven't watched it yet....I think I'm waiting for October.


A great Edgar Wright trailer commentary...

Fans of Edgar Wright should watch all the other trailer commentaries, too.

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