What's Spinning

Tim Bernardes - Mil Cosas Invisibles

This was one of my $4 Amazon returns bin finds. I'd seen it online before but never heard it. It was so badly warped I had little hope I'd be able to play it, but I put it under my old speaker for a couple weeks and it nearly flattened it (enough to play with my weight on one side). It's an incredibly gorgeous album. I'm loving every track on it so far.
Don’t see that one often

It’s impossible to get on vinyl. I’ve been looking for years. Resigned to just using the CDs.

I searched for years and then one day it showed up on the wall at one of my locals (Amoeba). I immediately went home and found a bunch of stuff to trade in for it. Manics fans aren't common in the US but the ones that do exist are total psychos.
I searched for years and then one day it showed up on the wall at one of my locals (Amoeba). I immediately went home and found a bunch of stuff to trade in for it. Manics fans aren't common in the US but the ones that do exist are total psychos.

Yeah they’ve definitely always had a really intense element to their fandom for sure. I’m guessing with them so rarely going to America that their records and gigs are much rarer and more treasured that’d amplify that!