What's Spinning

On this day in 1967, The Doors appeared at Danbury High School, Danbury, Connecticut. Before the group came on stage an announcer told the audience not to leave their seats during the performance or they would be escorted out of the venue. There was also a beauty pageant just prior to The Doors coming on stage. All of this made perfect sense in '67.

Our friends, the tapers, were there. It's rough but it's real...

The bootleggers were great at getting the goods. Attention to detail on the packaging - not so much. The date of the show is wrong...

The Doors - Fast Times At Danbury High

Aoife O’Donovan - Plays Nebraska

Just got done spinning the Boss’s version for the generator thread:

One of my favorite singers covering one of my favorite songwriter’s masterpiece (personally I like and listen to Born to Run more).