What's Spinning

Question, maybe a thread topic? Frank Landry (YouTuber Channel 33 RPM) talked about having a purge bin in his closet. If stuff makes it there and doesn’t get played for a period of time… see ya. Does anyone else do something like that?

Not on purpose but I do have a box to go for sale at the local that I’ve been too lazy to take there this year. I’ve added a bit to it, and taken a few back out, over the course of the year.
Off the shelf 119
View attachment 185818Bon Iver - 22, a million

Man. This one. First of all, still one of the best albums from the last decade. this pressing though is hot garbage and the VU meters are telling me that a good bit of it is quite compressed. Anyhow, part of these play through projects in my mind is purging (and I have purged some things because of the play through. This is a tough one though, I absolutely love the album but god I hate listening to this record and well vinyl is my favorite medium. It just sucks. I may try streaming it after since I can do that now.

I was unconvinced that whatever anniversary thing they did would satisfy me. Maybe they’ll knock a ten year out of the park in three years.

Question, maybe a thread topic? Frank Landry (YouTuber Channel 33 RPM) talked about having a purge bin in his closet. If stuff makes it there and doesn’t get played for a period of time… see ya. Does anyone else do something like that?

@Joe Mac, while I absolutely love Van the Man’s music output, clear back to the Them days, I find it difficult to separate the music from his modern views on the politics of mankind. Same with Clapton. Being a fellow Irishman, if I’m not mistaken, how do you parse this conundrum? If this is not the place to talk about it, please forgive me for bringing it up.
@Joe Mac, while I absolutely love Van the Man’s music output, clear back to the Them days, I find it difficult to separate the music from his modern views on the politics of mankind. Same with Clapton. Being a fellow Irishman, if I’m not mistaken, how do you parse this conundrum? If this is not the place to talk about it, please forgive me for bringing it up.

For a start I can’t put him in the same bracket as Clapton. He’s a nasty piece of work who has done and said some very very bad things.

Van Morrison is a grumpy shit. But then he’s always been a grumpy shit. I have issues with him hanging about with members of the DUP but given what he’s said on the record had mainly been anti pandemic restrictions stuff I’d be emptying out a lot more than him on that basis, as much as I disagree with the position.

I suppose a lot it comes down to attempting to separate the art from the artist to a degree because otherwise we lose Led Zeppelin (Jimmy Page’s underage girlfriends), Lennon (wife beater) and so so many more.

The only one I really have a huge problem with, and kinda feel green when I see it posted here, is Michael Jackson who was clearly a dangerous and predatory peadophile.
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