Discogs Collection Size:
(8-track tape: 67)
(Cassette: 168)
(CD: 727)
(Flexidisc: 23)
(VINYL 7 inch: 597)
(VINYL 10 inch: 59)
(VINYL 12 inch: 4893)
(VINYL 12 inch no outer sleeve: 18)
(SELLING: 229)
(SOLD: 21)*
Purchased: 7
Freebies: 1
Purged: 84 sold on 2/19/22 Discogs sold 3 LPs, 2 CDs
Store Credit: N/A
Last Updated: 02/22/2022
*Created a new folder/category SOLD so I can track items I sold this year; I realize they are still counted as part of my total collection.
Reordered categories to match Discogs drop-down. Added many items to SELLING from the 7-box purchase. They will not all be added, as many are budget titles that I'll just price from $3-$5 for local sales.