Well-Known Member
I gotta say, I'm pretty proud of my year
Collection size to date: 992 | CD's 91(+3)
Purchased YTD: 59
Free Additions YTD: 48
Purged YTD: 18
Net Gain/Loss YTD: +89
Updated: 12/1/2022
Looks like this is how the year's going to end for me.........
Collection size to date: 1007 | CD's 92(+1)
Purchased YTD: 67
Free Additions YTD: 55
Purged YTD: 18
Net Gain/Loss YTD: +104
Updated: 12/28/2022
I have 3 albums incoming that won't be here until the new year, 1 PIF, 1 purchase and 1 gift. I'm not seeing the "Free Additions" being much of a savior next year, that small collection I was given accounted for a nice chunk, I think next year we'll see the BDay and Holiday free-bee's and not much else, but if my purchases stay in check like they did this year, we're all good. While the collection number IS swelling, I'm happier with the quality and curation of the collection, hoping to keep that in check moving forward.
We'll have to start a new thread for 2023