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Destroy every mosquito
Last night in Montreal! It's been a whirlwind of a trip.
Trying to do a major cull of the record collection is a painful task. Up to 266 titles thus far. Gonna keep powering through. Hopefully my collection will once again be able to be contained by my Kallax.
@Hemotep do you have record shows around your area? I have been to a few out here and talking with a few of the sellers about my collection and they have given me business cards and told me if I wanted to sell stuff to give them a call. Since I’ve had good luck at my local I haven’t explored it further but I am happy to have other options available if necessary.
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@bdm105 if my local became stingy I would certainly explore that. There are a bunch of stores around me I could sell to (I think that makes the market fairly competitive for quality albums) but I have a good relationship with my local so I am gonna give them first dibs.
@TenderLovingKiller® I've considered it before, but never wanted to offload enough to make it worthwhile. I'm usually happy enough to sell the higher ticket items myself and take the loss on the rest for the convenience of it being close by.
I often forget just how many hits John Mellencamp racked up in the 80s and 90s. He was all over MTV when they played videos, but he isn’t usually mentioned alongside MJ, Prince, Madonna or Springsteen from that same era.
I don't know a lot about Japanese music other than a few artists. I keep getting sponsored ads for this subscription service and am considering giving it a try at least once...

Last week I 'won' a record for the deal of a lifetime, way under what it should have gone for. Fast forward a week and it still hasn't arrived so I contacted the seller. He got back to me to say that it was next day delivery so it should have arrived, but he's lost the receipt with the tracking (which he didnt add to ebay when he updated the info). I think he's making it all up. So annoyed
24 years ago today, a beautiful young lady said yes to a hastily prepared, jumbled mess of a proposal on the cliffs of Mt. Bonnell overlooking the city where we first met. We were married on this day, one year later. Happy 23rd anniversary to my wonderful wife.
I've spent the last two beautiful summer evenings on our patio, grilling, sipping drinks and streaming the Tortoise catalog. Holy shit, so great. Better late than never I guess.
Back in Vegas. It’s stupid hot, I’ve been food shopping at Costco and Winco for a bunch of volleyball girls. Now I’m exhausted and thirsty, researching record stores to hit and bars to check out.
Tried an adderall for the first time today and that shit was amazing?? Tidied both my yards top to bottom and then listened to 6 new albums and played Balatro for 5 hours. Incredible.
I am 173 legos tall.