New profile posts

"Nico was gothic, but she was Mary Shelley gothic to everyone else's Hammer horror film gothic. They both did Frankenstein, but Nico's was real." - Peter Murphy, born this day in 1957.
We fear change

Ewwwww! The forum has gone into dark mode without me doing anything. I don’t like this!
Excited for my concert tonight!

Hint: It IS Beck
FedEx "delivered" something to me this morning. I can see from the picture that it's a record, but I can find no shipment notices in my email and as usual they delivered it to the wrong address. They won't help me and since I don't know who shipped it, it looks like I'm just shit outta luck on whatever I was supposed to get.
Destroy every mosquito
Last night in Montreal! It's been a whirlwind of a trip.