Dirtbag Auntie Friday at 5:14 PM Youse made me text @Ginormousthumbs to ask about a Chad. I’m not pleased.
Yer Ol' Uncle D Friday at 1:54 PM In light of the NYT article I feel it's time we swallow our pride, give Chad his props and start referring to him in more reverential terms befitting vinyl royalty. Instead of Fuckin' Chad, I propose Sir Chad The Fuck.
In light of the NYT article I feel it's time we swallow our pride, give Chad his props and start referring to him in more reverential terms befitting vinyl royalty. Instead of Fuckin' Chad, I propose Sir Chad The Fuck.
Thackeraye Friday at 12:54 PM Off to a festival. Combination of excitement, dread at having to sleep in a tent again, and a general feeling of being too old for this shit.
Off to a festival. Combination of excitement, dread at having to sleep in a tent again, and a general feeling of being too old for this shit.
bdm105 Thursday at 8:29 PM https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/05/arts/music/vinyl-albums-chad-kassem-acoustic-sounds.html?unlocked_article_code=1.2E4.O0ZA.K6RU9bLaJRxc&smid=url-share
TenderLovingKiller® Hollywood TenderLovingKiller® wrote on Hollywood's profile. Thursday at 4:04 PM Happy Birthday Hollywood!!
THEEDADROCK.BLOG Thursday at 3:15 PM Ecca Vandal's “Cruising To Self Soothe” is an incandescent posi-punk empowerment anthem that pogos on a spring-loaded beat instigating a churning mosh of jagged guitars and ragged, impassioned vocals. Check it out - Ecca Vandal shines on incandescent posi-punk empowerment anthem "Cruising To Self Soothe"
Ecca Vandal's “Cruising To Self Soothe” is an incandescent posi-punk empowerment anthem that pogos on a spring-loaded beat instigating a churning mosh of jagged guitars and ragged, impassioned vocals. Check it out - Ecca Vandal shines on incandescent posi-punk empowerment anthem "Cruising To Self Soothe"
Wicked Dreamer Hollywood Wicked Dreamer wrote on Hollywood's profile. Thursday at 1:58 PM Happy birthday!
THEEDADROCK.BLOG Thursday at 11:31 AM Chad Kassem is the Wizard Of Vinyl - https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/05/arts/music/vinyl-albums-chad-kassem-acoustic-sounds.html
Chad Kassem is the Wizard Of Vinyl - https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/05/arts/music/vinyl-albums-chad-kassem-acoustic-sounds.html
avecigrec Hollywood avecigrec wrote on Hollywood's profile. Thursday at 9:01 AM Happy @Hollywood, Birthday!
Rip_City Hollywood Rip_City wrote on Hollywood's profile. Thursday at 6:20 AM Have a great birthday, @Hollywood!