Vinyl Me Please Essentials

“Wall of Sound” when it comes to a the Beatles, typically is used to reference Phil Spector’s stylized production method that he applied to Let It Be. It’s kind of like being bludgeoned by every instrument in layer after layer eliminating all space and depth from the recording combining individual sounds into a singular new sound. I would not say that “Wall Of Sound” style would necessarily apply to “Tomorrow Never Knows” in that sense. It is busy and multitracked but it’s not what many would describe as “Wall Of Sound” from the Spector definition.

Yeah, even outside of the Beatles Phil Spektor is what I’d point to as Wall of Sound. Multiple overdubbed tracks, traditionally orchestral, creating that huge, almost suffocating, sound.

Tomorrow Never Knows has a lot going on but there is definitely space on that recording, it breathes.
The ewoks were clearly all on LSD…
Revolver is my favorite Beatles album. It would be Abbey Road if the worst Beatles song ever recorded wasn't on it in Maxwell's Silver Hammer. Yellow Submarine is a kick to the groin but that back half of the album is so good. I'm usually okay with Ringo songs but that one just starts off badly and doesn't let up outside of Monty Python-esque shouting out of submarine orders. I wish Doctor Robert was on the front half as I'm not a fan of that song. But the rest more than makes up for it. She Said She Said, Good Day Sunshine, And Your Bird Can Sing, For No One (so underrated), I Want To Tell You (underrated George song and possibly my favorite of his after Something), Got To Get You Into My Life, and the incredible ending song which could double as an early entry into dub step/electronica.
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