Vinyl Me Please Essentials

It does say official announcement coming in September, which is when the next 3-month ROTM list comes out. I could see VMP trying very hard to keep this under wraps until they can announce it.
Ha, while it could be complete coincidence, based on the first set of clues I wouldn't say that is "keeping it under wraps".

Could've just gone with the 1966 clue, but dropping the "B" clue as well - and again, assuming this is what's happening - reeks of a child with a secret they absolutely cannot WAIT to spill.
IF they were to do it. Still a big IF:
I wonder if they'd do a 2LP coloured release to coincide with a boxed set, for those that don't want to drop surely $75-$200 on a 4+ LP release (I'm assuming here they'll do multiple versions of the box set).

If so, I'm going to give them massive props for the balls it took to pull it off.
I am generally less excited about this because it would probably just be a colour version of the standard black that would be available everywhere.
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And listen, I'm not saying I'm creating a list of names to laugh at on the minuscule chance it could be that....but I'm writing something down and it's for you to guess what that is.
Still, I would say demon days or the Fionas or even that stooges album in a previously unreleased mix were bigger gets for vmp than revolver would be. Sure you're not getting any bigger and more essential than the Beatles but chances are high what you would be getting is a colour variant of a remaster that is widely available in black for cheaper everywhere else.
Ah, thanks and sorry about the hex on your name.

Edit: 1966 is The Beatles - Revolver right? 🥴