Well-Known Member
This is Matt, co-founder and CEO of VMP. I’m excited to bring you a round of updates, announcements, and reminders to keep you up to speed on the latest happenings at VMP.
In our never-ending quest to be the best damn record club, our goal has always been to ensure you receive a box of records you are excited about each month. We launched with a single ROTM back in 2013, and then eventually expanded to five. The intent with this expansion was to provide more ways for more people to engage with VMP. However, after speaking to several members over the past few weeks, and reviewing feedback from many others, we feel the need to re-evaluate this strategy in an effort to provide a better member experience.
With this in mind, we’ll be making some changes to our ROTM offerings. Starting in October 2024, the Country and Rock Tracks will be discontinued. Essentials, Classics, and Hip-Hop will continue without interruption.
This may sound counterintuitive, but supporting five ROTMs requires a significant amount of time, energy, and resources from our team. This often means we are more limited in what we can release across ROTM, in the store, and in Swaps.
These changes will allow us to invest more in each ROTM while ensuring a more diverse mix of titles is available in the store and in Swaps, which we think will bring more excitement and value to your member experience.
We recognize that many members love the Rock and Country Tracks. This does not mean we will stop releasing Rock and/or Country records, nor does it mean we don’t value you as a member. Many of the releases we planned for these Tracks are now scheduled to be in Essentials or released as store exclusives.
These changes will be effective on Monday, September 23, 2024 at 10am MT (when the October Swap window opens). In the meantime, we have two more months of exciting ROTMs in Rock and Country that we can’t wait to share with you!
An outline of how these changes may affect you, FAQs, and a look at how we intend to curate the remaining tracks, plus a host of additional updates on the community updates page, linked below.
In our never-ending quest to be the best damn record club, our goal has always been to ensure you receive a box of records you are excited about each month. We launched with a single ROTM back in 2013, and then eventually expanded to five. The intent with this expansion was to provide more ways for more people to engage with VMP. However, after speaking to several members over the past few weeks, and reviewing feedback from many others, we feel the need to re-evaluate this strategy in an effort to provide a better member experience.
With this in mind, we’ll be making some changes to our ROTM offerings. Starting in October 2024, the Country and Rock Tracks will be discontinued. Essentials, Classics, and Hip-Hop will continue without interruption.
This may sound counterintuitive, but supporting five ROTMs requires a significant amount of time, energy, and resources from our team. This often means we are more limited in what we can release across ROTM, in the store, and in Swaps.
These changes will allow us to invest more in each ROTM while ensuring a more diverse mix of titles is available in the store and in Swaps, which we think will bring more excitement and value to your member experience.
We recognize that many members love the Rock and Country Tracks. This does not mean we will stop releasing Rock and/or Country records, nor does it mean we don’t value you as a member. Many of the releases we planned for these Tracks are now scheduled to be in Essentials or released as store exclusives.
These changes will be effective on Monday, September 23, 2024 at 10am MT (when the October Swap window opens). In the meantime, we have two more months of exciting ROTMs in Rock and Country that we can’t wait to share with you!
An outline of how these changes may affect you, FAQs, and a look at how we intend to curate the remaining tracks, plus a host of additional updates on the community updates page, linked below.

Community Updates
In an effort to be as transparent as possible with our Community, we wanted to take this opportunity to bring back the Community Updates page on our website, designed to keep you in the loop with all the essential happenings here at VMP! We will continue to update this page as frequently as...