Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Just catching up over the past few days.

- Can we start a petition to make Friday's our weekly "Get @Murfocakes Pissed and on the Forum-a-thon" (name pending)?

- I'm with @ByersVinyl on not being aware of Shopify before VMP started using it and haven't noticed myself using it on other sites, but I guess that's kind of the point, we should need to know what platform is being used. VMP falling on it as an excuse works the first time, maybe the second, but using it as a consistent crutch/excuse gets old once they have had dozens of opportunities to use a different system.

- @Rowan you might just have used up all your luck in one swoop recently! Super jealous of that Impulse! box! Congrats!
A shipping notification for what, pray tell
Really should have cancelled mine because there have been quite a few preorders that were cancelled and fulfilled still.
Absolutely wild. I do like VMP (and not just because they randomly give me free £300 box sets) but it’s this sort of thing that’ll be the end of them.

The more I think about it the more I think they’ve done me a solid by booting me unceremoniously out of their club 😂