So, I don't know if this is a thing that has been discussed or not... but the song titles of the new Sons of Kemet album read down like it's a poem, and I don't know if this was deliberate or not.
My band of 8 years announced our breakup today, though I have been sitting on it for a month.
I have no nails left wondering what I am going to do next.
To whoever posted the Jason Molina albums in the What's Spinning thread with the videos last night, my wallet is not a fan of you. I, on the other hand, think you're alright.
RSD might just be an excuse for me to go to a record store this year... I don't *need* anything, but I am interested in a few things... mostly that "Weird Al" Yankovic 3" record.
I was sent home from work for the fifth time this year to quarantine.
Shouldn't I have gotten a punch card by now? And how many quarantines until I win the toaster?
For no reason whatsoever, with no explanation, my local news channel just showed about 15 seconds of The Pixies "Here Comes Your Man" video. It was a segue from one segment to another segment completely unrelated. Guess what song I will be humming for the rest of the day.
If you are supporting Bandcamp Fridays, and curious about a Needle & Groover's music, might I recommend the album I released last year? I'm very proud of it
In the song "Go West," Liz Phair sings "like Pirner tells me on the radio, take it from someone who's been there before, go west, young man." Does anyone know what she is referencing?