So I've taken to buying kinda rare sneakers when they release and then keeping them boxed for a couple years before I wear them. Just discovered the 3 pairs in my closet are currently worth $1500. OH NO
That period of time after you upgrade your system, where you get to go through your whole collection and listen to everything again for the first time, is the best time.
Okay fine, OKAY FINE ED SHEERAN YOU WRITE VERY GOOD POP SONGS I ADMIT IT. But if I hear "Bad Habits" one more time in my Uber rides to work I'm going to swallow a chainsaw.
I'm pretty sure this Uber I'm in is powered by a lawnmower motor. And the shocks are just cinderblocks wrapped in saran wrap. If I die, this is the reason.
A co-worker of my good friend just bought a condo in Brooklyn NY from the guy who wrote the McSweeney's "It's Decorative Gourd Season Motherfuckers" article. I'm fanboying the fuck out.
This is my Woodstock.
Just finished 9 holes of golf with my wife where I almost winged like 2 different sets of people on adjacent holes due to a slice so epic that I was hitting greens 2 fairways over. But I twice hit MY green in two shots and this counts as the greatest 9 holes of golf I've ever played. The soundtrack of the day was frenetic surf rock and it really worked.
Okay so, Dark Side Of The Moon and women's Olympic Indoor Volleyball. It works, I think it's all the slow mo replays. It may also be all the beer. Let's go with a combination of slo mo replays, and beer.