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  • Stafford to the Rams
    Beautiful. Would love to see him win a Super Bowl finally. Man is an incredible talent that’s been underserved. Now I’m eager to see where Deshaun Watson ends up. NFL will be strange next year. Brady in Tampa Bay again, Jamies starting in NoLa, Stafford in LA, Goff in Detroit, Watson somewhere that’s not the Texans. Should be fun
    I just read that this spring/summer is a Brood X cicada season, 17 years (2004) since the last cycle. That's the year I went to Bonnaroo and I remember they were everywhere....especially passing through Ohio.
    I heard for Michigan the major swarms wouldn't much further north than the Ann Arbor area. Also, I ate a cricket at a distillery once, it was crunchy.
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    I would expect them to be in southern Ontario, but I'm just a little bit more north of that. I don't remember them in Montreal when I was there in 2004, but that's the city so who knows.
    I always meant to check out the insectarium when they hold those insect culinary days, but I never made it. I did have chocolate covered ants, but you know, that just tastes like chocolate. I also ate my fair share of fruit flies when I was in grad school, but that wasn't on purpose. They always ended up dive bombing the coffee.
    Yarn Me, Please isn't going as I'd hoped. They don't have very good/responsive customer service and the January monthly box is missing. I bought a three month sub for my wife for X-mas and I can't recommend them. (actual company in comments)
    Yeah, they are really bad about answering emails. I will give you that. I asked them about a pattern and it took them over a week to respond.
    I used to subscribe to KnitCrate a few years ago, I think I stopped once they switched their sock yarn box to their own brand as the part I was interested in was the variety. I don't know if I ever had to deal with customer service though. I'm sorry it's been an issue. =(
    @WhiteDahlias - My wife liked the first shipment of yarn, so that's a plus. It's just frustrating to not hear back and the tracking isn't available for what they were supposed to have shipped this month. I pre-paid for 3 months, so to only have one shipment almost 60 days later is not great.
    That's a new one. I got an email that a record was delivered but it wasn't on my porch. Tracking says 'ready for pick up at post office.' No idea why they couldn't complete the delivery process.
    My wife’s ACL repair was a success today. Now we hang around the house for a few weeks. Easy enough, we pretty much were doing that already.
    I highly recommend getting a cold therapy machine to help with her recovery. I’ve had three knee surgeries and it helped immense.
    @tvham - Do mean like an Iceman? We have one from her first ACL repair, it’s super helpful. Just need lots and lots of ice.
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    Yup! I had a different brand but same concept...much better than bags of frozen peas 😀
    You've never heard Chris Smither? Here's a song to fix that....
    My dad did artist liaison work with Chris at a festival a couple of years ago. Lovely guy apparently.
    @Thackeraye I've met him a couple times after shows; seemingly a down to earth and nice guy, so I'm glad to hear others echo that. Such an excellent writer and guitar player too.
    Well, Home Depot delivery is 0 for 2 on their projected delivery slots for me. Saturday turned to Monday between 9 and 1. I was off Saturday, my wife is off today. If this leaks into tomorrow we have a problem.
    We bought some new wall sconces from them online to replace the really old ones in our house. They went on sale and we bought them quickly. Also, bought new LED fancy bulbs to go in them. I've gotten the bulbs already. The sconces...they're now on backorder.
    Maybe something from Home Depot can help you with those leaks
    I received just about the most warped record I've seen yesterday. It's a gift, so I didn't take off the wrap and inspect the vinyl, but based on the state of the jacket there's no way the vinyl is ok. There was no bubble wrap or cardboard stiffeners inside. Not great. The shipper (A Special Thing) was the only store that I was able to find a certain record I was looking for.
    Things are so weird with USPS right now. I ordered a record yesterday that showed up today. Meanwhile, the others are...I'm not sure.
    @duke86fan ordered me a copy of her AOTM and it showed up like two days later, meanwhile other things have been stuck in mail limbo for like a month, I don't know if theres any logic to it right now. stuff will just show up when it shows up lol
    My guess is that they are just letting existing pallets sit and trying to get out the mail that comes in without sorting
    My Poppy Christmas EP has been in transit for three weeks now. We love it
    Just ordered Peter Gabriel - Growing Up Live. I am really excited for this; I saw him twice on that tour and it was amazing, especially the show at The Palace.
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    yeah, really looking forward to this. saw him in minneapolis, which was early in the tour so there were some hiccups, but otherwise it was a great show. sky blue with the blind boys was a real highlight.
    Yeah, Sky Blue was a highlight for me as well. In fact I had forgotten how much great material is on Up.
    In Transit, Arriving Late x 5
    YUP I've got several outgoing packages like that and it's making me stressed 🙃
    I'm trying to remind myself that everything is pretty difficult in the world right now so these are small problems. And my wife won't be upset if her stuff arrives after Christmas. But, next year I will shop in October.
    I see your 5 and raise it to x7 here🤬
    Anyone else get funeral anxiety? It's like I'm frozen in place. How bad is it to skip it?
    Lost a good friend to cancer today. Seriously 2020, fuck off.
    Is there a record club that focuses on classic rock? My sister is looking for something for my brother-in-law who just got back into vinyl. She asked my about VNYL but I read through the thread here and it doesn't seem like one I'd recommend.
    @duke86fan - for sure, in fact I think I'll take him to a couple of my favorite locals after Xmas. But if my sis is set on the club idea, I won't talk her out of it...I just want to steer her away from any that have been not-so-great for people.
    Not traditional by any means, but I've subscribed to the record club started by Alex Rodriguez (Record Safari) this past three months and it's been great. He's known for curating the Coachella record store and for working at the Glass House in Pomona. $30 a month is supposed to get me 3 records but he usually sends extra (this month was five). I don't think he's sent me anything newer than the 90's so far.
    You basically tell him what you like and he caters his picks to your tastes. The best stuff he's sent me so far fall under the 70's funk/soul category (which is a genre I didn't know I needed) and I also love this British greatest hits comp he sent me that was from the 60's. He's Recordsafari on Instagram.
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