A discogs order arrived damaged and the seller said they will replace it if I send the package back at my cost. It isn't a huge amount of money but I'm conflicted as they were the ones that didn't package it well. Guess I just bite the bullet.
After 8.5 years I have accepted a job offer at a different Architecture practice. Really surreal feeling but I can only see it being a good move. Worrying part is im back in a part of London where all the record shops are based!!!
I was lucky enough to be at Centre Court at Wimbledon yesterday. One hell of a great day. Still refuse to buy strawberries there though when you can just bring your own in.
I've had Ticketweb cancel a gig I have tickets for without the venue or artist announcing it. It been half a day now, not sure how to find out whats going on, I have contacted the venue with no answer.