is Stevie Ray Vaughn essential? I only associate SRV with being driven to school by my friends dad who had a seatless van id sit on the wheel well of and hold onto the rope tied across the wall.
I love a Stoughton jacket feel, but the fact it wont fit in at least 1 of the 5 different sleeves from different companies I own seems really freakin ridiculous. Maybe we dont need these ultra thick sleeves after all.
Never enough batteries! always more and more batteries (because every single rechargeable one is in something at the moment and for whatever reason a ton of christmas lights we ordered run off double AA's)!
Getting more and more requests from people with low buyer stats on Discogs messaging me about stuff I have on sale. I know I put that verification there for a reason, but I’d also like to get rid of more records.
this Japanese reseller wasnt kidding, into month two officially on the 7th waiting for my copy of Significant Other. One day that status will change. One day.