wenis Dec 4, 2019 alright well i feel like i've all but confirmed that my sound issue is my left speaker... and im outside the audioengine warranty
alright well i feel like i've all but confirmed that my sound issue is my left speaker... and im outside the audioengine warranty
wenis Dec 2, 2019 that With Teeth remaster came in perfect. what a day. still gotta solve my turntable issue.
wenis Nov 24, 2019 trying to figure out if my sound issue is the receiver, loose connections to the cart, vinyl or cables. didnt imagine spending sunday like this.
trying to figure out if my sound issue is the receiver, loose connections to the cart, vinyl or cables. didnt imagine spending sunday like this.
wenis Nov 22, 2019 I immediately ordered that With Teeth remastered vinyl from like a minute after I received the email.
I immediately ordered that With Teeth remastered vinyl from like a minute after I received the email.
wenis Nov 12, 2019 whew someone had a copy of Al Green's "Lay It Down" on discogs for $25, had to jump on that immediately.
whew someone had a copy of Al Green's "Lay It Down" on discogs for $25, had to jump on that immediately.
wenis Oct 31, 2019 instead of wearing a costume this year, my costume is my emotions. as a man who just spent a bunch of money very fast on more records. its complicated.
instead of wearing a costume this year, my costume is my emotions. as a man who just spent a bunch of money very fast on more records. its complicated.
wenis Jul 29, 2019 New TOOL record announced. May this finally be the time for remasters of all their records? please.