I mean the new Isbell is the best thing I have heard all year and it is not particularly close at the moment. So many heaters on the new album. Also the singles that were released are probably the worst songs on the album which is crazy.
It’s bad when you are an American and you are currently pulling for Canada at the 4 Nations Cup. Really not feeling much pride in my country at this time.
Does anybody ever get a Wantlist email from Discogs that has a record you have wanted forever on it? Then you immediately go and buy it and say to yourself this would have been a lot cheaper if you had bought this when it widely available. Just me?
If I won the lottery I'd of course give lots of money to charity but I'd also reach out to artists who music isn't on vinyl of that I love and pay to press their vinyl. Would that be selfish of me?
Do you ever just get mad at late stage capitalism? It is like they try to make a dollar off anything and everything these days. More and more when you go to a order a record they ask you if you want to buy shipping protection. I mean that used to be called customer service and be free. And don't get me started on parking in a metropolitan city these days.
It’s been a shitty week to say the least but at least Trader Joe’s had their Christmas cookies out today so things are looking up, at least until I run out.
I love Jason Isbell probably more than other artist but his shows have become so unaffordable. For someone is as liberal as he is you'd think he think about the common man more when pricing his tickets. He is playing solo shows at a new venue in Nashville and tickets were $203 a ticket for first couple sections on floor and balcony. It is just madness.
I find I have the best luck selling records on Discogs but shipping overseas is now cost prohibitive, anybody know how to turn international shipping off on there. Seems like you need a masters degree to figure it out.
How can Bush do a tour called “Loaded: The Greatest Hits Tour” and only play 5 songs off “Sixteen Stone” and 2 off “Razorblade Suitcase” Granted I didn’t know this tour even existed until this morning.
Nashville is a cool city in that we get amazing concerts that a lot of cities outside NY and LA never get but it also sucks because Nashville is a destination city that people will fly to for these said concerts which makes it harder for locals.
Why is the indie exclusive of Sturgill's new record already sold out everywhere? It literally came out less than a week ago. I waited too long. I found a place that had it in stock, let's see if it ships.