Day 21 / 2024.S7.E21 - I Will Leave it to You (お任せします)
A common menu selection in Japanese restaurants, particularly with sushi, is one where the individual items are left up to the chef’s choice, called “Omakase” (お任せ). By making this selection, you get the freshest fish from that day or the local specialty fish at the chef’s discretion, and usually at a very reasonable price. It is a great way to get a sampling of some familiar styles, and also maybe taking a dip into the unknown. I went to Okina Sushi (翁寿司) in Kanazawa for my last meal of my final full day in Kanazawa. It is run by a husband and wife team who have been serving the city of Kanazawa for 48 years!! I selected an omakase four course meal (with 20oz Asahi) for ¥2750 (¥250 for mandatory table charge (おとし)). I even spoke with the co-owner wife in Japanese for about 10min in total between and after the meal about Kanazawa and the neighboring cities, and she seemed very interested in what questions I had about the area. Truly, everyone that I’ve met is so kind.
Play a record that can be categorized by two or more genres/subgenres.
Hiromi Iwasaki (岩崎宏美) - Wish
This record is sort of an anomaly in the city pop universe. The musicians featured here are primarily American names!!! Included in the sound palette is banjo, pedal steel, and harmonica. As a result, the instrumentals featured here lean into not just
city pop, but also
Americana for a few tracks,
ESPECIALLY key track "Street Dancer" (one of my favorites!!!). But there's also some
disco tracks and a hint of
bossa nova in the tracklist.
Gorgeous record, and one that I was overjoyed to see in Kanazawa for ¥1980.
As for the meal I enjoyed at Okina Sushi, being a four course omakase (お任せ) meal served plate by plate, along with a 22oz of Asahi:
(1) Stewed beef with gelatin + 22oz Asahi. Very different texture, though very much an izakaya (居酒屋) style appetizer. The infused gelatin was quite tasty. Functioned as the mandatory appetizer (お通し) for the daily special.
(2) Japanese sardines (イワシ), which served as the grilled fish (焼き物) portion. Only the undesirable innards and head was removed, with the spine/bones still inside the fish. Excellent smoky taste, with the fibrous tail being my favorite part. Takes patience to chew the bones safely, but it is doable.
(3) 10pc sashimi (お刺身). Grilled egg (玉子焼き), gizzard shad (コハダ), yellowtail (ハマチ), shrimp (海老), and fatty tuna (大トロ) were all present. All exceptional, as expected. No soy sauce needed at all, they are best consumed on their own, with
mmaayybbee some wasabi if needed. I didn't use any.
(4) 4pc sushi (お寿司) with some pickled ginger (がり). Fatty tuna nigiri (大トロ握り), squid nigiri (イカ握り), salmon nigiri (鮭握り), and the prized crab roll (カニ軍艦巻き). Crab is a specialty in Kanazawa, with the city being very close to the Sea of Japan. My favorite was the squid nigiri, with the wet and tender texture being unlike any squid I've had before; normally squid has a reputation of being rubbery and bland...this was far from that. The fatty tuna disintegrated like butter the moment it hit my tongue.
A+ tier meal.