2024 Reading Challenge

This thread seems more alive than the main reading one, so even though I'm not tracking my books read, one I read this year and loved is Cahokia Jazz by Francis Spufford. It's a detective noir set in an alternate 1920s where indigenous people revived Cahokia (an ancient city across the river from modern St. Louis), so there's a U.S. state that's majority indigenous, with large white and black populations as well. With Jim Crow in nearby states and the KKK on the rise, the main character, an indigenous man raised in another state, has to investigate a murder that threatens to blow up the city's balance of power. Lots of cool characters, rich worldbuilding, a good central mystery, and jazz.
I bought this one off the back of Light Perpetual which I loved. Haven’t got around to it yet but looking forward to it.
This thread seems more alive than the main reading one, so even though I'm not tracking my books read, one I read this year and loved is Cahokia Jazz by Francis Spufford. It's a detective noir set in an alternate 1920s where indigenous people revived Cahokia (an ancient city across the river from modern St. Louis), so there's a U.S. state that's majority indigenous, with large white and black populations as well. With Jim Crow in nearby states and the KKK on the rise, the main character, an indigenous man raised in another state, has to investigate a murder that threatens to blow up the city's balance of power. Lots of cool characters, rich worldbuilding, a good central mystery, and jazz.
Ah amazing, I've picked this up a few times and considered buying it so might have to get it the next time I come across it!
Finished the Ashley Kahn book on the making of Kind of Blue. Really enjoyed it. Added some good context on the time period, what led up to the recording, and gave me things to listen for when I put the record on. Proud of myself, 3 books in one month.

Had a chance to go by an actual independent book store today on my way home from taking my car into the shop. Couldn't really decide if I wanted to do another historical book or something more modern. This one kept speaking to me so I took a chance as my knowledge of the South and what went on is very deficient.


This was a really good book. I realized it wasn't really meant for me as soon as I started it but I enjoyed reading it. Imani is a very talented writer and the stories she writes and relates to her own heritage is really good. I'm glad I picked this up by chance. I love that books can still offer that option of being something you happen upon and really enjoy.

Not sure what direction I'll go for the rest of the month. I may see if I can go by my local used bookstore today and find something.
August 2024 Revisited

Book 52: Stieg Larsson - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

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I was convinced I wouldn't finish this before the month was out because it's quite thick but, I suppose it lives up to the cliched "unputdownable" adjective. I generally really enjoyed it and it certainly was entertaining and easy reading despite the heavy nature of the subject matter. I will say that the segregated storylines of Blomkvist and Salander were so siloed for over half the book that it was rather like reading two different books at the same time. Had it been slightly more complex, I'd have struggled to keep abreast of both strands over such a prolonged part of the novel but, this just about kept me engaged until the threads were reunited. I'm sure I'll read the next two, not sure about the subsequent franchise ones though.

The first bit and the ending drag a bit but my god I love this book. Favorite book of all time for me. I read it sophomore year of high school (probably way too young to read this lol) and it still feels so fresh in my mind. I really should go back a re read the trilogy. Absolutely loved the second one as well, the third one not as much but I do remember feeling like it was a satisfying ending to the trilogy. I have absolutely no interest in the newer books
Fell into bit of summer reading slump brought on by between some truly stressful months of work and a book that I disliked so much that I needed a break from the medium lol. Since then I started and stopped a few different books but nothing really gripped me until the past two weeks

Book 10: Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by


Read this back in July and never posted it. This book is so highly praised and recommend that I thought I was sure to love it, but instead I absolutely hated every moment I spent on the novel. These characters just aren’t realistic in any way. The way they talk is just so inhuman, like aliens trying to understand human emotions. The two leads act like they are simultaneously 7 years old and 17 years old. The philosophical discussions in this just feel faux deep. Stuff that would do wonder with teens on tumblr but not actually insightful. Just really hated this experience

Rating 1/5

Book 11: Another First Chance by Robbie Couch


After several months of no reading I needed something quick and cute to get me back in. Had no expectations for this because the plot seemed far fetched and full of cliches. But I must say I was really surprised by this! The exploration of grief and loneliness were moving and believable, the characters were all likable and relatable, the plot reveals were not totally obvious (though I really should have seen them coming more than I did) and it kept me hooked the whole time, and the sci-fi aspects that I were hesitant about were also way more thought out than i expected. Don’t go into this expecting something mind blowing but for what it is I really loved it

Rating 4/5

Book 12: If I See You Again Tomorrow by Robbie Couch


Immediately jumped into another book by Couch after being surprised by book 11. Groundhog Day inspired plots with time loops are my shit and this is gay so I was beyond excited to check this out. The thing this author really nails is capturing how it feels to be alone. Probably because I have been feeling super lonely the past few months but man I really felt understood while reading this. But as a romance novel this completely fails. The love interest is such an unlikeable dick for like 80% of the book, I could not understand why the MC wanted to be with him outside of the conceit of the time loop. Everything else outside of that is just so good though. Learning how to connect with people again, both new people in your life and old friends, was just done so well. Time Loops always fall apart for me in the ending and I must say this one wasn’t too bad but the love interest being so awful lessens a punch that could have been great

Rating - 4/5
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