Definitive Audiophile pressings

I really love the song Peace Frog and a few others. Have been happy with the few AP45s I picked up on sale.
Matt Berry said it best: “I’ve always loved the Doors. I know it’s kind of fashionable to think the Doors are naff, but I don’t give a fuck about that. It’s the first band that I ever heard where the organ was the lead instrument. I’ve always really liked the instrumentation, and I’m glad that they came about when they did.”
Matt Berry said it best: “I’ve always loved the Doors. I know it’s kind of fashionable to think the Doors are naff, but I don’t give a fuck about that. It’s the first band that I ever heard where the organ was the lead instrument. I’ve always really liked the instrumentation, and I’m glad that they came about when they did.”
That damn Hammond is the greatest instrument ever recorded!