Well-Known Member
i have seen one person compare the BeWith to the Rhino . This is what he said (in a bit of stream of consciousness):Has anyone compared the rhino Eddie Hazel to the be with pressing from 2016?
"overall i looooove both of these pressings a lot. great sound on both for sure. i think both would smoke the Real Gone (previously compared the Be With to that and it wasn't close). pressing on both is fantastic. love how the vinyl just disappears beneath the album. i think the Rhino sounds great, and is probably more true to the original sound. theres a lot of air there, and i like how present the drums are...but the Be With just pops in a way that the Rhino doesn't. it's in your face, louder and has a lot more dynamics to it. the bass and guitars just leap out and smack hard.
it's most likely just the way Simon Francis mastered it, having the benefit of remastering digitally. so, i'd say i absolutely prefer the Be With. 1000%. it's great to hear the Rhino sounds as good as it does and i still like it...But personal preference, if i'm picking between the two, i'm going with the Be With 10/10 times unless i just kinda want to noodle my brain a bit with the differences."
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