YOU’RE MURDER BASEMENT HAS A 17 MONTH WAITLIST?!!??!!??!!That depends I mean how "GOOD" of a couch are we talking here? Like are you in the market for a limited edition numbered couch? Or is this gunna be one of those AAA pressed at QCP (Quality Chesterfield Pressing) couches that are all the rage right now? You can probably save a few bucks and go with a COMFI couch, they've just been discovered to have a digital step so prices have dropped. Lots options to think about.
Oh and the lead time on all these couches is 17 months.
That’s some Bret Easton Ellis shit there.
I’ve read “Little Lenny” has the same problem with leather pants…
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This may have some insight for you: have a bunch of old SACDs from when that era was going strong in the early 00s. I used to be really into 5.1 music. Not as practical in my office when I work so I took the Onkyo SACD player and moved it into my office and run it in stereo mode into my Adcom. I've never done an A/B of some of the duplicates I own like the MOFI Sea Change to the SACD version or the Bill Withers Greatest Hits MOFIs that I own on both platforms.
I also have a portable hard drive full of SACD rips that were done on old Playstation 3s that had the ability to copy the source files from SACDs. You can then unlock the DSD files. I used to put them on an old Pono device to listen to when I went on trips or in the car. Haven't really touched it since I got a new car last year with Carplay. It would be cool to have device that could stream those from my computer over to the Adcom. Anyone know of something that might do that? A wifi enabled DAC?
This may have some insight for you:
Same guy has other videos about DSD/SACD issues on YouTube, but I think this one is most relevant to your issue. I know of a couple devices w/ HDMI inputs that can decode SACD signals for the internal DAC (Bryston BDA 3.14 and at least one of the old OPPO DVD players), but I think you’re dealing w/ a different issue with native files.
I have one on the way, and if it's not the Craft release that shit is going right back. No video necessary.
Pretty sure BoomBoom is a unisex name.
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I was looking into this recently. The Denafrips Pontius also has an I2S input so you can pair it with a SACD player with an HDMI out. You may also need to buy some kind of HDMI converter box which seem to be around $50 or so via eBay. The whole thing seems like a bit of a headache though.It’s actually easier once you have a DSD file and are just trying to play it that SACD is, SACD DRM is a nightmare and the only way to send it to an external DAC is those I2S via HDMI options that the like of PS Audio offer and that are pretty much entirely between their own line.
With the files, be they SACD rips or just DSD files, there isn’t the DRM issue so once you have a streamer/computer and/or DAC that can play and decode them natively your all good.
The Oppo’s can send out native DSD from an SACD via one of their regular HDMI ports (no I2S involved), and that signal can be processed (w/out HDMI/I2S converter) to a very small number of devices, including the Bryston BDA 3.14 DAC I mentioned.It’s actually easier once you have a DSD file and are just trying to play it that SACD is, SACD DRM is a nightmare and the only way to send it to an external DAC is those I2S via HDMI options that the like of PS Audio offer and that are pretty much entirely between their own line.
With the files, be they SACD rips or just DSD files, there isn’t the DRM issue so once you have a streamer/computer and/or DAC that can play and decode them natively your all good.
I was looking into this recently. The Denafrips Pontius also has an I2S input so you can pair it with a SACD player with an HDMI out. You may also need to buy some kind of HDMI converter box which seem to be around $50 or so via eBay. The whole thing seems like a bit of a headache though.
The Oppo’s can send out native DSD from an SACD via one of their regular HDMI ports (no I2S involved), and that signal can be processed (w/out HDMI/I2S converter) to a very small number of devices, including the Bryston BDA 3.14 DAC I mentioned.
I made a mistake above by suggesting the Oppo’s can receive native DSD via HDMI, and I understand that the broader situation is different for native DSD stored on a drive (not from an SACD).
I have an Oppo Blu Ray that send DSD out to my Onkyo receiver. So far I've only done multichannel and stereo DSD. I'm sure I don't have the receiver to take full advantage but I get the little DSD logo on it when I play it. Sounds great. But like Joe said, not a part of my music specific system since it's in the room we watch TV in.
Based on the video posted last page, I may look at a cheap Topping DAC and run a USB cable from my Mac to the back for DSD. I wonder if there's a streaming option to the files from the Mac to the Topping with no quality loss. Or I can just run the long USB cable. It's my office. It's fine if it's ugly. I have a Topping headphones amp that I was using when I was working late into the evening and needed to be quiet when others were home. Haven't used it in a long time.