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I mean maybe Cicely hates ODB and that’s why she was like fuck it and went to take a smoke break while cutting Storf’s cd to lathe?

I can imagine some grumpy dick like me slamming shit around while fulfilling an order to cut Linkin Park to one step.
But is that because you hate Linkin Park or that you know @Mather is going to buy a copy?
Miles Showell cutting Glass Animals makes me wonder something and I don’t want anyone to take this as a disparagement of Glass Animals - it just sparked the thought. Do you think mastering engineers care when they are assigned to music they don’t like?

Say KPG was asked to cut Insane Clown Posse. Would he turn it down? Would he do it but do a shitty job? Or would he be like, this pays the bills, and do the same bang up job he does every time?

I think they are professionals and do as good of a job as possible. You look at BoomBoom's CV and he did a lot of indie and alternative bands in the 80s and 90s, I think mostly to get experience. I think people like KPG are at the point now that they can be a little pickier with what he picks up. He seems to like doing jazz albums, but I bet he can knock out a Doobie'a record pretty damn easily and do a good job.


(i'm not saying he isn't a fan or dislikes this band, just that he did do a decent job on it if that's the case,.more that this isn't thought as highly of as things he cuts now.)

I think they take what they take to get paid. KPG is probably at a different price point than other engineers, so he probably doesn't get stuff like Blink 182 or ICP these days.
I bought something today and in researching the seller, he had nuetral feedback from some lunatic who bought a partial item listed as a partial item. They were very upset they got what they paid for. Wtaf is wrong with people?