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I am now no longer getting any wishlist or database changes messages on the Android app..I see on the website that there's a new alert bell section where these messages seem to be getting sent to, but on the app that bell doesn't exist and instead they get sent no where apparently.
They also seem to have announced today (or at least I only saw it today) something called Wantlister which allows you to create individual filters that you can save.
How long do you wait to cancel an order after the buyer hasn't paid? I sold an album on Friday and crickets since.

As a buyer, I'd say you're fine to do so now. 7 days seems pretty common but 5 I've seen a lot too. Quite frankly, if the order has come in with no payment and no note saying "I'll pay in 2 days" that's pretty lame. I've only not paid immiedately upon ordering maybe three times, and when that's happened I've written a note right away explaining exactly when I intended to pay.
As a buyer, I'd say you're fine to do so now. 7 days seems pretty common but 5 I've seen a lot too. Quite frankly, if the order has come in with no payment and no note saying "I'll pay in 2 days" that's pretty lame. I've only not paid immiedately upon ordering maybe three times, and when that's happened I've written a note right away explaining exactly when I intended to pay.
Yeah, I even sent a message on Saturday saying thanks for your order, I can get this out Monday once I receive payment, and still no response. I think I will wait until end of day today then cancel it.
As a buyer, I'd say you're fine to do so now. 7 days seems pretty common but 5 I've seen a lot too. Quite frankly, if the order has come in with no payment and no note saying "I'll pay in 2 days" that's pretty lame. I've only not paid immiedately upon ordering maybe three times, and when that's happened I've written a note right away explaining exactly when I intended to pay.
Is it not automatic after four days anymore? I thought it was, but maybe that was just seller specific.
Thanks, Discogs, for reminding me to be on the lookout for phishing scams!
For a minute there I forgot I've been using the internet since 1995...
That reminds me. Can you send me the following:
Date and year of your birth
Date and year of your marriage
Date and year of birth for all your children
The name of the street you first lived on
Your mother’s maiden name
Name of your first pet.

I am compiling a biography of your. Ya, that’s it.