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What happened to Cogs Large Cover grid view??
Been wondering the same thing!
Yeah I noticed it yesterday. Lots of angry people in the Discogs forum discussing it. I have a feeling. Whether it was intentional or not it will be reverted back soon. I like my big artwork plus it takes forever to scroll a single album at a time. Very inefficient.
Well this is a doozy... be prepared for a long post. Anyone ever been accused by a seller on discogs of scamming before? Grab your popcorn...

Back in 2019, I ordered a copy of Tha Carter II from VMP and the jacket had a seam split and I had just moved back in with my parents after graduating college because I didn't have the greatest of a job and property in Phoenix AZ is expensive for a single male in his 20s. Since I was moving back into my bedroom, I put a bunch of stuff in storage, including my turntable, so I basically put my record collecting on hiatus. Also, I had just started collecting, so I didn't really care too much about seam splits. Life got better though and I eventually got the turntable out of storage and the hobby (addiction) started up again. I never did get around to spinning that copy of Tha Carter II though, and the more records I amassed, the more I became picky about the jacket quality.

Here's where the fun starts. I'm figuring out what to listen to in December and I come across that copy of Tha Carter II I ordered and thought, hey maybe I should finally give this a spin. Then I remembered the seam split so I hop on discogs to see if there are any copies that had a flawless jacket because of how much I grew to enjoy that album over the years. A seller has a NM/NM copy for sale (no LP description notes, but has approximately 1000 thumbs up ratings so I figured, hey he knows what he's doing), so I purchase it expecting a clean jacket and clean LPs. I get the mail and unfortunately there's an undisclosed seam split in addition to one of the LPs having a gnarly scratch running entirely across the grooves in between songs. I message the seller back explaining that the grading isn't accurate and he agrees to a refund after I send him pictures/videos of what I received. During our exchanges, he mentions that he never play-tested it and must've missed the mark. To be fair, it was a red colored vinyl and it could only be seen when light hit it a certain way, but it was definitely there. I send the LP back, I get my refund, transaction over.

About a month later (this is mid-Jan now), I see another copy that is NM/NM on discogs and the item specifically says flawless jacket, so I scoop that up, get it in the mail, and it's perfect. Well, now I have two copies of Tha Carter II, so I hop on reddit to get rid of my first copy since I don't need two of them. Someone comes across my post and starts asking me questions about the record, such as how long I've had it, if I have pics, if it's been played and if I've noticed any issues with it. I tell them the copy I have for sale still has never been spun and I'm only getting rid of it because I acquired a replacement copy, and the replacement copy I ordered played perfectly. They ask to see my wantlist to see if we could set up a trade because I said I'm willing to entertain offers, so I send him my discogs.

A few minutes later, I receive a message on the discogs order for the copy I bought back in december with the seller asking me why I'd buy a second copy of an album I've owned for 2 years that I'd never spun and also got a replacement copy of and accusing me of scamming him by sending him back a different copy than what he sent me. I guess he used his reddit account to try and question me and make me frame myself for scamming? I tell him I'm not sure what he's insinuating because the replacement copy I told him I purchased in our reddit exchange was purchased Jan 15th and he basically says "I'll let reddit, discogs, and paypal be the judge of that as I've contacted all of them"

So... I guess I'll keep all of you posted? I'm literally so confused as to what's going on and I know I've got nothing to hide, but for some reason I'm scared I'm gonna get screwed out of this. He did admit he never play tested it, so at least I have that going for me... I also only have one VMP order for TC2 and two discogs orders for TC2 so it's not like he can say I swapped a bad copy from VMP out with whatever he sent me. I guess I'm just paranoid because there's no way I can prove the condition of the first copy I got from VMP. Am I overthinking this whole situation? I guess this will also be the last time I'm picky over a seam split 😅
Well this is a doozy... be prepared for a long post. Anyone ever been accused by a seller on discogs of scamming before? Grab your popcorn...

Back in 2019, I ordered a copy of Tha Carter II from VMP and the jacket had a seam split and I had just moved back in with my parents after graduating college because I didn't have the greatest of a job and property in Phoenix AZ is expensive for a single male in his 20s. Since I was moving back into my bedroom, I put a bunch of stuff in storage, including my turntable, so I basically put my record collecting on hiatus. Also, I had just started collecting, so I didn't really care too much about seam splits. Life got better though and I eventually got the turntable out of storage and the hobby (addiction) started up again. I never did get around to spinning that copy of Tha Carter II though, and the more records I amassed, the more I became picky about the jacket quality.

Here's where the fun starts. I'm figuring out what to listen to in December and I come across that copy of Tha Carter II I ordered and thought, hey maybe I should finally give this a spin. Then I remembered the seam split so I hop on discogs to see if there are any copies that had a flawless jacket because of how much I grew to enjoy that album over the years. A seller has a NM/NM copy for sale (no LP description notes, but has approximately 1000 thumbs up ratings so I figured, hey he knows what he's doing), so I purchase it expecting a clean jacket and clean LPs. I get the mail and unfortunately there's an undisclosed seam split in addition to one of the LPs having a gnarly scratch running entirely across the grooves in between songs. I message the seller back explaining that the grading isn't accurate and he agrees to a refund after I send him pictures/videos of what I received. During our exchanges, he mentions that he never play-tested it and must've missed the mark. To be fair, it was a red colored vinyl and it could only be seen when light hit it a certain way, but it was definitely there. I send the LP back, I get my refund, transaction over.

About a month later (this is mid-Jan now), I see another copy that is NM/NM on discogs and the item specifically says flawless jacket, so I scoop that up, get it in the mail, and it's perfect. Well, now I have two copies of Tha Carter II, so I hop on reddit to get rid of my first copy since I don't need two of them. Someone comes across my post and starts asking me questions about the record, such as how long I've had it, if I have pics, if it's been played and if I've noticed any issues with it. I tell them the copy I have for sale still has never been spun and I'm only getting rid of it because I acquired a replacement copy, and the replacement copy I ordered played perfectly. They ask to see my wantlist to see if we could set up a trade because I said I'm willing to entertain offers, so I send him my discogs.

A few minutes later, I receive a message on the discogs order for the copy I bought back in december with the seller asking me why I'd buy a second copy of an album I've owned for 2 years that I'd never spun and also got a replacement copy of and accusing me of scamming him by sending him back a different copy than what he sent me. I guess he used his reddit account to try and question me and make me frame myself for scamming? I tell him I'm not sure what he's insinuating because the replacement copy I told him I purchased in our reddit exchange was purchased Jan 15th and he basically says "I'll let reddit, discogs, and paypal be the judge of that as I've contacted all of them"

So... I guess I'll keep all of you posted? I'm literally so confused as to what's going on and I know I've got nothing to hide, but for some reason I'm scared I'm gonna get screwed out of this. He did admit he never play tested it, so at least I have that going for me... I also only have one VMP order for TC2 and two discogs orders for TC2 so it's not like he can say I swapped a bad copy from VMP out with whatever he sent me. I guess I'm just paranoid because there's no way I can prove the condition of the first copy I got from VMP. Am I overthinking this whole situation? I guess this will also be the last time I'm picky over a seam split 😅
He's full of crap. He already accepted the return and refunded your payment. Neither Discogs nor PayPal have any interest whatsoever in his convoluted "investigation" of this matter two months later. It's his word against yours and the transaction is complete. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
He's full of crap. He already accepted the return and refunded your payment. Neither Discogs nor PayPal have any interest whatsoever in his convoluted "investigation" of this matter two months later. It's his word against yours and the transaction is complete. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
That's very refreshing to hear and honestly something that makes a lot of sense, but something that didn't cross my mind in the last hour. Thanks for that message, I'll actually be able to sleep a bit better after seeing this haha
That's very refreshing to hear and honestly something that makes a lot of sense, but something that didn't cross my mind in the last hour. Thanks for that message, I'll actually be able to sleep a bit better after seeing this haha
Here's the thing. As a seller of vinyl, unless you (1) meticulously document the condition of your item with multiple photos and a video of the item being packed, and (2) pack the item securely, so it can't move at all inside the packaging, and with the record outside of the jacket if it's opened, if a buyer complains that the condition of the item isn't as described and has pictures showing that, then you really have little choice but to work something out. That's what happened here. Even if you did scam this guy, he has no recourse now. He needs to just let it go.
Here's the thing. As a seller of vinyl, unless you (1) meticulously document the condition of your item with multiple photos and a video of the item being packed, and (2) pack the item securely, so it can't move at all inside the packaging, and with the record outside of the jacket if it's opened, if a buyer complains that the condition of the item isn't as described and has pictures showing that, then you really have little choice but to work something out. That's what happened here. Even if you did scam this guy, he has no recourse now. Guy needs to just let it go.
Yeah I think what shocked me the most is that it was two months later. This happened in 2021 and we're now 2 months into 2022. I definitely have way more important things to be doing than scamming people for records online, and I fully believe in karma so even if I did do something as low as that, I'd be deathly afraid of something happening to one of my grails in my collection.

I haven't sold a lot of records online but the few I have have all been play tested, had a bunch of pictures taken of themselves, had an extremely extensive write-up created in my sales post, and shipped via priority with insurance for as much as the price the buyer paid because I'm deathly afraid of having to deal with an upset buyer. But for the few I've sold, everyone has been so appreciative of my listings because they knew exactly what they were getting. If only everyone had the decency to at least play test a triple digit dollar valued record before selling it (if they weren't the original owner), but I can understand why people don't. Oh well, guess this is the "one more thing" I'm going to have to deal with this week. But thank you for taking the time to read my post and reply. I definitely do feel better about the situation. I'm currently starting the process of moving so that's stressful enough as it is...
Lol I just received another message from the disgruntled seller this morning - apparently PayPal will be reviewing and potentially freezing my account and I guess they told him to contact my local police to inform them of potential fraud & said he plans on doing that unless a fair resolution is met because he feels taken advantage of. Do I even respond at this point or do I just wait to hear from PayPal because I haven't seen any communication from PayPal 😂
Lol I just received another message from the disgruntled seller this morning - apparently PayPal will be reviewing and potentially freezing my account and I guess they told him to contact my local police to inform them of potential fraud & said he plans on doing that unless a fair resolution is met because he feels taken advantage of. Do I even respond at this point or do I just wait to hear from PayPal because I haven't seen any communication from PayPal 😂
Good lord, all this over a scratch and a seamsplit he failed to disclose? He sounds like a petty dude that feels he's been wronged, with a lot of extra time on his hands. I would try to get ahead of it if possible, otherwise PayPal should reach out to you for your side. Has he brought discogs into it at all? Via negative feedback or other?

Also, were the discs packed inside the sleeve when he sent it originally? It's possible the original splits happened in transit (meaning they weren't there when he sent it off).
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Just to add some context here, what happened is actually a fairly common scam in other collectible markets, which is why this seller is probably going so hard on it. Especially in sports cards, a person will have a damaged card, buy an ungraded but good looking card (raw), and then claim it came damaged and "return" the damaged card with Paypal siding with the buyer. The seller gets stuck with the damaged goods.

With that said, it's much rarer in records (although people do it to Amazon all the time) and it feels like once the seller gets the item back and doesn't protest that it's not the one s/he sent, it's a dead issue. The fact that the seller is so riled up only after he found out you're selling your copy reeks of sour grapes.

Reddit isn't going to do anything about this. I could see Paypal taking a look but given he accepted the product back and issued the refund, I think it's gonna be a real uphill battle unless he's holding proof of foul play (which doesn't exist). Personally, I'd go silent if he indicated there may be authorities involved: not because I'd be afraid of that but there's no use engaging that. Save screen shots of the messages/history on it in case Paypal comes calling. I'd probably take any funds out of your Paypal account just in case so they don't freeze it on you.
Good lord, all this over a scratch and a seamsplit he failed to disclose? He sounds like a petty dude that feels he's been wronged, with a lot of extra time on his hands. I would try to get ahead of it if possible, otherwise PayPal should reach out to you for your side. Has he brought discogs into it at all? Via negative feedback or other?

Also, were the discogs packed inside the sleeve when he sent it originally? It's possible the original splits happen in transit.
What was funny to me is that the records were shipped outside of the jacket and the jacket still had a seam split he didn't disclose in his discogs listing and I acknowledged that in our initial communication and said the jacket shouldn't be NM if there was a seam split. There has been no negative feedback left by either of us, and I'm currently in the process of messaging the reddit mods on VinylCollectors to see if they've been contacted and was also going to reach out to PayPal to see if they've been contacted.

Just to add some context here, what happened is actually a fairly common scam in other collectible markets, which is why this seller is probably going so hard on it. Especially in sports cards, a person will have a damaged card, buy an ungraded but good looking card (raw), and then claim it came damaged and "return" the damaged card with Paypal siding with the buyer. The seller gets stuck with the damaged goods.

With that said, it's much rarer in records (although people do it to Amazon all the time) and it feels like once the seller gets the item back and doesn't protest that it's not the one s/he sent, it's a dead issue. The fact that the seller is so riled up only after he found out you're selling your copy reeks of sour grapes.

Reddit isn't going to do anything about this. I could see Paypal taking a look but given he accepted the product back and issued the refund, I think it's gonna be a real uphill battle unless he's holding proof of foul play (which doesn't exist). Personally, I'd go silent if he indicated there may be authorities involved: not because I'd be afraid of that but there's no use engaging that. Save screen shots of the messages/history on it in case Paypal comes calling. I'd probably take any funds out of your Paypal account just in case so they don't freeze it on you.
I can definitely understand that scam happening, but yeah, to your point, it's been 2 months and nothing was said until I listed the original copy I received from VMP in 2019 for sale. The whole getting authorities involved just feels like a joke of an attempt at intimidation because he has literally 0 evidence and I don't feel obligated to provide my VMP purchase history and discogs purchase history. Thankfully I don't have any funds in my PayPal and only have cards linked to it for discogs/bandcamp/etc. purchases. This whole thing is just ridiculous if you ask me, and yeah, who really has that much time on their hands?
Reddit the company won't but the mods of certain subreddits will definitely blackball you as a scammer, which effectively ends any future sales or purchases you can expect from the thread.

Fair point, I was thinking purely in financial terms. Might be worth shooting a modmail over with the situation to get ahead of it if you don't want to create a new account. Absurd stuff.
Lol I just received another message from the disgruntled seller this morning - apparently PayPal will be reviewing and potentially freezing my account and I guess they told him to contact my local police to inform them of potential fraud & said he plans on doing that unless a fair resolution is met because he feels taken advantage of. Do I even respond at this point or do I just wait to hear from PayPal because I haven't seen any communication from PayPal 😂
So what is the difference in value between the record as he described and the record that you received and returned? And, will local police investigate a dispute involving an online transaction between two private parties over what I'm guessing is a relatively small amount of money, with numerous civil remedies available for the guy to pursue?
So what is the difference in value between the record as he described and the record that you received and returned? And, will local police investigate a dispute involving an online transaction between two private parties over what I'm guessing is a relatively small amount of money, with numerous civil remedies available for the guy to pursue?
The record he sold me was priced at $180, and I was expecting a clean LP and flawless jacket because he didn't say otherwise in the listing description, just NM/NM.

Here's a video of the issue:

You can even see the mark in the video as the stylus passes over it. I'm not an expert when it comes to defects, but this is a pretty bad one. But regardless, it's not like this was a $1000 record. I've sent all my purchase history, message history, and pictures/videos over to discogs and I'll let them handle it as necessary. Just debating about messaging the seller one last time to say I look forward to hearing from PayPal and Discogs, and that I've filed my own complaint with discogs because I don't appreciate being harassed, intimidated, and having negative feedback left on my profile because of an incorrect assumption with 0 evidence. The moron didn't even list the pressing # (X/2000) in the description, and that sucks for me because if I took a picture of the pressing # of the jacket, he could easily provide photo evidence I returned what he sent me. Pardon my french but this is just bullshit
The record he sold me was priced at $180, and I was expecting a clean LP and flawless jacket because he didn't say otherwise in the listing description, just NM/NM.

Here's a video of the issue:

You can even see the mark in the video as the stylus passes over it. I'm not an expert when it comes to defects, but this is a pretty bad one. But regardless, it's not like this was a $1000 record. I've sent all my purchase history, message history, and pictures/videos over to discogs and I'll let them handle it as necessary. Just debating about messaging the seller one last time to say I look forward to hearing from PayPal and Discogs, and that I've filed my own complaint with discogs because I don't appreciate being harassed, intimidated, and having negative feedback left on my profile because of an incorrect assumption with 0 evidence. The moron didn't even list the pressing # (X/2000) in the description, and that sucks for me because if I took a picture of the pressing # of the jacket, he could easily provide photo evidence I returned what he sent me. Pardon my french but this is just bullshit

Yeah that's good that you got a video clearly depicting the issue. Just stay vigilant and continue to keep a level head, even though it's a pain in the ass and time consuming, you should come out the other side unscathed.
The record he sold me was priced at $180, and I was expecting a clean LP and flawless jacket because he didn't say otherwise in the listing description, just NM/NM.
Wow, so he thinks he's out $180 minus the value of the record he thinks you swapped? That's not even worth taking to small claims court, much less something law enforcement would pursue. And this is a numbered edition? I understand why you're fired up and taking the offensive on this, but per @Melt Face Molly Drop, keep a level head. This guy's doing this out of emotion, not reason, so no need to make him angrier.

Again, if he had actual proof of his claims, not circumstances and assumptions, he wouldn't have accepted the return in the first place. And, you have photos, videos, emails, and receipts supporting your position, so you should be good in the end.
Wow, so he thinks he's out $180 minus the value of the record he thinks you swapped? That's not even worth taking to small claims court, much less something law enforcement would pursue. And this is a numbered edition? I understand why you're fired up and taking the offensive on this, but per @Melt Face Molly Drop, keep a level head. This guy's doing this out of emotion, not reason, so no need to make him angrier.

Again, if he had actual proof of his claims, not circumstances and assumptions, he wouldn't have accepted the return in the first place. And, you have photos, videos, emails, and receipts supporting your position, so you should be good in the end.
I'm not even that fired up, it's more so just irritated because I'm being hit over an assumption that he has no proof to support outside of some reddit messages he took out of context. Now I need to take time out of my day because someone got in their own head and got butthurt. I sent him a message saying "Again, sorry that you feel taken advantage of, but I'm even more sorry that you lied about the condition of the "NM/NM" record you sent. If you don't want to believe that the record you received was the record you sent, I can't change that. I look forward to hearing from PayPal (if they reach out) as I've done nothing you've accused me of, and I've gone ahead and filed a complaint with Discogs because the negative feedback you left is based off an incorrect assumption with no proof. I have nothing left to say to you since you clearly have your mind made up and I'll let the respective sites handle it. Intimidating and harassing because you made an incorrect assumption is immature and I'm not putting up with it."

And that's the last message I plan on sending to him. I'll let discogs handle my case submission from here on out and am more than happy to communicate there