Discogs - Help, Tricks, Secrets And Tips

I was so bummed that I had missed the VMP pressing of Shepp's "Attica Blues" that I dipped into Discogs in 2018 for this pressing at $30.

(Coincidentally, I also learned from my first Discogs transaction that a NM grading doesn't necessarily tell you *how* near to mint it is 😉)

I was so bummed that I had missed the VMP pressing of Shepp's "Attica Blues" that I dipped into Discogs in 2018 for this pressing at $30.

(Coincidentally, I also learned from my first Discogs transaction that a NM grading doesn't necessarily tell you *how* near to mint it is 😉)

Grabbed that same one at a local for $15 in Nov 2020, crazy!
Anyone else notice some…oddities with the pricing? For instance, a slew of high priced sales for Billy Strings’ Home have outright disappeared for instance. Many others don’t have their collection stats match the page stats, some of my records have sales from years back I swear weren’t there before.

Could they be pruning for price manipulation? Weird glitches?
I'm not even that fired up, it's more so just irritated because I'm being hit over an assumption that he has no proof to support outside of some reddit messages he took out of context. Now I need to take time out of my day because someone got in their own head and got butthurt. I sent him a message saying "Again, sorry that you feel taken advantage of, but I'm even more sorry that you lied about the condition of the "NM/NM" record you sent. If you don't want to believe that the record you received was the record you sent, I can't change that. I look forward to hearing from PayPal (if they reach out) as I've done nothing you've accused me of, and I've gone ahead and filed a complaint with Discogs because the negative feedback you left is based off an incorrect assumption with no proof. I have nothing left to say to you since you clearly have your mind made up and I'll let the respective sites handle it. Intimidating and harassing because you made an incorrect assumption is immature and I'm not putting up with it."

And that's the last message I plan on sending to him. I'll let discogs handle my case submission from here on out and am more than happy to communicate there
Well it took a little over a week, but Discogs finally removed the negative feedback this clown left on my account! Back to having 100% feedback 😁

Now for the debate on whether or not to leave negative feedback on his account for wasting my time... As much as I want to, I'm kind of over this situation now since I haven't heard from him since I sent him the above message, and I really don't want to poke him and potentially hear from him again. Although, it would be nice to ruin his 100% feedback as he tried to ruin mine... Regardless, happy Friday y'all!
Well it took a little over a week, but Discogs finally removed the negative feedback this clown left on my account! Back to having 100% feedback 😁

Now for the debate on whether or not to leave negative feedback on his account for wasting my time... As much as I want to, I'm kind of over this situation now since I haven't heard from him since I sent him the above message, and I really don't want to poke him and potentially hear from him again. Although, it would be nice to ruin his 100% feedback as he tried to ruin mine... Regardless, happy Friday y'all!
I’m not an expert or super-user, but I think as long as you keep your comments factual, a brief account of your experience with this seller would be useful for other buyers.

Normally, if everything goes well with a discogs transaction, I’d leave positive feedback stating:
1) how quickly the item shipped
2) how closely the item match the seller’s description
3) whether there were any issues or concerns, and how the seller handled them
4) whether i would recommend the seller based on my overall experience

So, I think it’s reasonable and constructive, in leaving negative feedback, to answer each of those questions as well. Just the mere fact that they left you negative feedback which Discogs stepped in to remove is worth noting.

I think specifically pointing these things out as negatives (which the seller cannot dispute) will hopefully discourage them from engaging in similar behavior with other buyers going forward.
Well it took a little over a week, but Discogs finally removed the negative feedback this clown left on my account! Back to having 100% feedback 😁

Now for the debate on whether or not to leave negative feedback on his account for wasting my time... As much as I want to, I'm kind of over this situation now since I haven't heard from him since I sent him the above message, and I really don't want to poke him and potentially hear from him again. Although, it would be nice to ruin his 100% feedback as he tried to ruin mine... Regardless, happy Friday y'all!
I don't know how difficult it would really be for them to get your feedback removed. I had an issue with a seller once. Item was not as described. Took weeks for them to reply. By that time, I'd already opened a PayPal and left them negative feedback. They retaliated by giving me negative feedback and stated that I created a case within days (ie lying about the timeline) and calling me unreasonable. I also noticed they got my negative feedback on them removed. I contacted discogs, told them what was up and got their feedback also removed. So we both went back to 100%. I'm not so sure you need to try hard to get negative feedback removed. YMMV
I don't know how difficult it would really be for them to get your feedback removed. I had an issue with a seller once. Item was not as described. Took weeks for them to reply. By that time, I'd already opened a PayPal and left them negative feedback. They retaliated by giving me negative feedback and stated that I created a case within days (ie lying about the timeline) and calling me unreasonable. I also noticed they got my negative feedback on them removed. I contacted discogs, told them what was up and got their feedback also removed. So we both went back to 100%. I'm not so sure you need to try hard to get negative feedback removed. YMMV
I mean I can only imagine the names you called them based on the names you call yourself haha jk.

I don’t have any direct experience with having feedback removed so maybe I misspoke, but I figured they would look into it a little bit at least to determine whether the comments were supported with facts.
I mean I can only imagine the names you called them based on the names you call yourself haha jk.

I don’t have any direct experience with having feedback removed so maybe I misspoke, but I figured they would look into it a little bit at least to determine whether the comments were supported with facts.
Yea of course I have no insight to the behind the scene workings. They probably saw two dweebs clashing and put us both out to pasture.

Fun fact: I used to be on here as "theMythOfSisyphus". I left for some time and when I came back I asked my wife what my name should be...and she was like, "Well, you're kind of a diaper baby (yes, we're adults that's just her nice way to insult me when she doesn't like my behavior). I thought it was too pedestrian. So I made it Lord Diaper Baby. Then I decided to change my name monthly. At first I just gave myself promotions until I was eventually Supreme Being Diaper Baby. Then, on maybe my sixth or so name change I tried for something else entirely. I shit you not...mods rejected it. They said my name had to have "diaper" or "baby" in it. They didn't give me a reason, although I have a theory. But, honestly, I respect it. I think it's really funny that I have painted myself into a corner here to always have such ridiculous names. I'm leaning into it.
was looking at my purchase history and ... oof, shit adds up. glad i bought some things when i did, though.

what was your first purchase, and how much? mine was

for €11.00 (~$15). shipping was more than the record at €16.00!
I bought this for $10 + $5 shipping, September 2016, 17 purchases total:
Does Paypal give the discogs fee directly now? I just transferred a payment and got deducted a "partner fee" that's the amount of the taxes and fee Discogs says it will take. So, I won't have to make a payment later? 🤔