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I picked up a few LPs the other day and this was one; it was tricky identifying it due to the runouts.

Question: What's going on where 407 people "want" an undated release variant? What's special about this one? Or is it perceived scarcity/rarity?

I picked up a few LPs the other day and this was one; it was tricky identifying it due to the runouts.

Question: What's going on where 407 people "want" an undated release variant? What's special about this one? Or is it perceived scarcity/rarity?


When you see this, it means users just add the full master list to their want list - via the "Add all to wantlist" button.

The first user in the want list has 20,365 releases in theirs...

I really don't see the point of doing this...but I also don't do want lists in Discogs, so maybe I don't understand the reasoning.
When you see this, it means users just add the full master list to their want list - via the "Add all to wantlist" button.

The first user in the want list has 20,365 releases in theirs...

I really don't see the point of doing this...but I also don't do want lists in Discogs, so maybe I don't understand the reasoning.

it's a good recipe for an anxiety attack if you do make use of the wantlist.
So I have an order that's currently being returned to me from USPS because "ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN" at the buyer's address. I contacted them and they responded that they've recently had issues with it and to try a different name on the package.

Now, while I wait for my package to return to me, do I ask for another round of shipping payment so it's not coming out of my pocket? I doubt that I'd be able to change the name and resend it without buying a new label, right?
I’ve got a non-paying buyer, going on 12 days now (overseas). Thing is, he will occasionally pop in and say he’s definitely going to pay and waiting for invoices to clear. But he’ll say he’s paying tomorrow or early next week, only for nothing to come through. He’s got 30+ feedback, all positive, so I’m conflicted. I basically told him he can pay in the next 2 days or else I’ll have to cancel and he can re-order when he has the money. He hasn’t responded in a couple days.

My conundrum, do I cancel as non-paying buyer, giving him negative feedback or do I just put buyer requested to cancel order, even though it’s not true?
I’ve got a non-paying buyer, going on 12 days now (overseas). Thing is, he will occasionally pop in and say he’s definitely going to pay and waiting for invoices to clear. But he’ll say he’s paying tomorrow or early next week, only for nothing to come through. He’s got 30+ feedback, all positive, so I’m conflicted. I basically told him he can pay in the next 2 days or else I’ll have to cancel and he can re-order when he has the money. He hasn’t responded in a couple days.

My conundrum, do I cancel as non-paying buyer, giving him negative feedback or do I just put buyer requested to cancel order, even though it’s not true?
Honesty is the best policy IMO.
I think either is defensible, I'd lean toward the former as well - probably don't want him complaining to Discogs or putting in feedback about you cancelling an order he wanted, but the path of least resistance may be less of a headache for you.
I'm personally astounded anybody takes longer to pay than immediately
(with the occasional exception of waiting on the seller to recalculate shipping or some similar situation)
Same. Unless the seller specifically asks in the listing to wait for an invoice with correct shipping I usual pay right away. All Discogs purchases are impulse buys.
What does everyone do when you get an offer to sell an expensive record $250, through PayPal G&S instead of Discogs? I this case it seems they want to because they are making an offer less than listen so maybe they think I'm more willing to take it of a set of fees are removed?
What does everyone do when you get an offer to sell an expensive record $250, through PayPal G&S instead of Discogs? I this case it seems they want to because they are making an offer less than listen so maybe they think I'm more willing to take it of a set of fees are removed?
Isn't this something that can get both of you banned from discogs marketplace though?
What does everyone do when you get an offer to sell an expensive record $250, through PayPal G&S instead of Discogs? I this case it seems they want to because they are making an offer less than listen so maybe they think I'm more willing to take it of a set of fees are removed?

I would assume that is the intention - shave down the offer and make it so you don't hypothetically lose as much since Discogs would normally take x% anyway. Basically accruing a small discount from two parties as opposed to a larger one from one.

I've heard others say here Discogs will ban if they find out about the attempt to circumvent their fees (and their rules back that up) - I still don't quite know how they'd find out but I presume they could be sent messages to the effect of it if the buyer got mad (or if they look themselves). Personally, I don't think it's something I'd mess with on the Discogs route unless it was really a sale I had to make. I've only bought a couple items at $200+ and I know on each of those $25 (10%ish of the price) wasn't sending me away from that item if it were priced higher. I wouldn't want it in writing that I did that.

If you really wanted to you could probably say something like "I am following the Discogs marketplace rules but I saw a copy on Reddit that uses Paypal G&S" and then happen to post it there at the agreed price but at this point why do so many favors for a random person.

Regardless, I really wouldn't be inclined to do it for any benefit of the buyer.
I would assume that is the intention - shave down the offer and make it so you don't hypothetically lose as much since Discogs would normally take x% anyway. Basically accruing a small discount from two parties as opposed to a larger one from one.

I've heard others say here Discogs will ban if they find out about the attempt to circumvent their fees (and their rules back that up) - I still don't quite know how they'd find out but I presume they could be sent messages to the effect of it if the buyer got mad (or if they look themselves). Personally, I don't think it's something I'd mess with on the Discogs route unless it was really a sale I had to make. I've only bought a couple items at $200+ and I know on each of those $25 (10%ish of the price) wasn't sending me away from that item if it were priced higher. I wouldn't want it in writing that I did that.

If you really wanted to you could probably say something like "I am following the Discogs marketplace rules but I saw a copy on Reddit that uses Paypal G&S" and then happen to post it there at the agreed price but at this point why do so many favors for a random person.

Regardless, I really wouldn't be inclined to do it for any benefit of the buyer.
I mean, I wound have accepted their offer price through Discogs paying the fees. So maybe I'll just tell them go through Discogs.
I mean, I wound have accepted their offer price through Discogs paying the fees. So maybe I'll just tell them go through Discogs.
Yeah, maybe just open up offers and let them make the offer then. I've negotiated that way before with folks who had offers closed. I think he was probably just trying to pitch the deal of "you're not really giving this much of a discount if we do it via G&S since you're not giving Discogs money".

But also, the G&S route really gives you no recourse (even negative feedback) if the buyer is pulling shenanigans on a sale. I don't tend to list higher end items on a pure G&S routing given how buyer friendly it is with no feedback system to call people out on it.
What does everyone do when you get an offer to sell an expensive record $250, through PayPal G&S instead of Discogs? I this case it seems they want to because they are making an offer less than listen so maybe they think I'm more willing to take it of a set of fees are removed?
Did you have this record actually listed for sale on discogs? Or did the buyer just see it in your collection and send an offer to buy it to you?

If the latter, does that violate cogs rules? Because people do this all the time here, they say look at my cogs collection, if you see something you like, make me an offer. If it doesn't violate cogs rules, just send them an invoice through PayPal and avoid the cogs fees.
Did you have this record actually listed for sale on discogs? Or did the buyer just see it in your collection and send an offer to buy it to you?

If the latter, does that violate cogs rules? Because people do this all the time here, they say look at my cogs collection, if you see something you like, make me an offer. If it doesn't violate cogs rules, just send them an invoice through PayPal and avoid the cogs fees.
I did have it listed for sale.