I could use some pointers from this camp.
I’d like to take my plunge into the MC world sometime in the future and have been looking at the Hana SL and know I’d need a SUT based on what I currently have.
I do have my Lounge LCR (upgraded to Gold) and have no real qualms with it so I was thinking I could get the Copla step up and be on my way. My other thought was whether it may be more beneficial to upgrade my phonostage and make the jump into MC land. I’d like to stay around the $2k budget if going the new phono route and open to buying used as well. I’ve been eyeing Parasound JC3+, Sutherland 20/20, Luxman e-250, Lehman Decade, and Black Ice F159. Part of what my question would be is if any might be overkill based on my current setup. Open to exploring other options as well - both SS or tubes, from what I’ve seen all things Sutherland are highly regarded here.