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It might not even be the recording. Secretly Group has a real flair for shit pressings. The hi res digital of Punisher, for example, is so far ahead of the vinyl it’s pretty commical all things considered. That’s said I didn’t think my copy of this one was too bad but I was doing other things both times I spun it.
Jones is definitely the recording. TLK found a NPR story where the engineer talked about it. The takes on several songs were made before they had set up the room properly and they thought it sounded bad but wanted to preserve the energy of those original takes.
It might not even be the recording. Secretly Group has a real flair for shit pressings. The hi res digital of Punisher, for example, is so far ahead of the vinyl it’s pretty commical all things considered. That’s said I didn’t think my copy of this one was too bad but I was doing other things both times I spun it.
Do we know if any of the subsequent pressings of Punisher are not, uh, legitimately defective?
You can get the same thing from Emotiva with 2 outlets for a lot less money- $82.

what's the best way to hook one of these up? i still have what I think is DC hum on my office rig and haven't been able to get rid of it...would I have most of my stuff running into a panamax MR4300 then that plugs into my wall. Would I plug the panamax into the Emotiva then into the wall?
what's the best way to hook one of these up? i still have what I think is DC hum on my office rig and haven't been able to get rid of it...would I have most of my stuff running into a panamax MR4300 then that plugs into my wall. Would I plug the panamax into the Emotiva then into the wall?

If it’s DC hum it would be an actual physical hum that’s coming from the transformer in the offending unit. Usually a big transformer in a power amp. It’s why tube power amps with their monster transformers are often big offenders. You’d plug the offending piece of gear directly into the emotiva, or audiolab, or ifi do a really nice compact in line DC blocker, and connect it to your conditioner.

If the hum is through your speakers it’s likely grounding, or a ground loop, and not DC hum.
If it’s DC hum it would be an actual physical hum that’s coming from the transformer in the offending unit. Usually a big transformer in a power amp. It’s why tube power amps with their monster transformers are often big offenders. You’d plug the offending piece of gear directly into the emotiva, or audiolab, or ifi do a really nice compact in line DC blocker, and connect it to your conditioner.

If the hum is through your speakers it’s likely grounding, or a ground loop, and not DC hum.
yea--don't hear it from unit itself. i've seemingly tried everything and can't figure out how to get rid of the hum. it's not too noticeable at all when i have music playing through speakers but really hear it when i have headphones on, which i do way more now with the little guys nursery right next to my office. nothing seems to be able to get rid of the sound. it's there when no sources are plugged into the amp so it has to be some kind of power or ground loop issue.

the voltage on the panamax does go anywhere from 115v or so to 120v at any given moment.
yea--don't hear it from unit itself. i've seemingly tried everything and can't figure out how to get rid of the hum. it's not too noticeable at all when i have music playing through speakers but really hear it when i have headphones on, which i do way more now with the little guys nursery right next to my office. nothing seems to be able to get rid of the sound.

Yeah I’ve had those kind of incurable grounding and ground loops before and it’s a nightmare. Taking everything apart and checking each component one by one to make sure it wasn’t it.

The only one I couldn’t solve that way was the ground loop from both the power and the pre amp trying to ground the system. I used one of the little ifi intelligent ground in line plugs for the power amp that sorted that one out.
Yeah I’ve had those kind of incurable grounding and ground loops before and it’s a nightmare. Taking everything apart and checking each component one by one to make sure it wasn’t it.

The only one I couldn’t solve that way was the ground loop from both the power and the pre amp trying to ground the system. I used one of the little ifi intelligent ground in line plugs for the power amp that sorted that one out.
which iFi was it?
which iFi was it?

Hang on a second.

This fella.

Hang on a second.

This fella.

ah yea. i looked into this. annoyingly, the NAD I have in that system doesn't have a removable power cable so i can't use that one!
ah yea. i looked into this. annoyingly, the NAD I have in that system doesn't have a removable power cable so i can't use that one!

Bugger! If you were really desperate you could cut off most of the NAD power cord, fit an IEC socket and then could use this and a removable power cord?

Would just need one of these, other vendors are available is just an example, and a knowledge of wiring plugs and it is actually not a hard job.

Bugger! If you were really desperate you could cut off most of the NAD power cord, fit an IEC socket and then could use this and a removable power cord?

Would just need one of these, other vendors are available is just an example, and a knowledge of wiring plugs and it is actually not a hard job.

i hesitate to do that because i could do all that and still have the issue haha. but its some food for thought! thanks!