Perhaps I missed it - but how does it sound? Good looks aren’t everything!Since this is the thread where it all started, figured I'd come back with an update on the Garrard 401 that @HiFi Guy guided me to in Portland, Oregon. I completed my trip last Saturday and was able to get the table set up that night, but it wasn't until tonight that I think I finally have everything dialed in just as all of it should be. The first major challenge was the SME 3012 II tonearm. So many weights and angles to adjust that there are a lot more steps involved than I'm used to for setting the tracking force and the anti-skate. Thought I had it figured out, then @HiFi Guy reminded me it's a good idea to read the manual. I thought I had! but apparently not when I most needed to, so eventually, I got all of that sorted and the arm appears balanced, level, perfectly positioned, etc. Beyond tweaks, the most concerning issue was that the table was running a bit fast, and the speed control was maxed out to the 'slower' side of the scale. I had every reason to believe I could solve this by replacing the 50 Hz pulley that came with the unit, with a 60 Hz pulley I ordered from the UK. I was able to swap those out earlier in the week, but nothing really changed, which was puzzling. Until I figured out the tech at the shop where I bought the unit probably had reduced (by sanding) the diameter of the 50 Hz pulley to get the unit running close to speed (just a bit fast) when I bought it, so that in effect, there really wasn't much (if any) functional difference between the two pulleys. Looking online for alternative solutions, a number of people had written of a problem with the turntable's magnetic bar that controls the speed brake and is the main mechanism involved in fine-tuning the set speed. Over time, the magnet loses its magnetic force, but adding a small, strong magnet to it can solve the problem. I won't go into all the ways I misunderstood how this would work with the 401. Suffice it to say, after a few 'doh!'s' and a few 'aha!'s', I figured it out and indeed a small neodymium magnet solved the problem. The unit is now running to speed with the speed adjustment control centered. Here are a couple of photos, and a link to a brief video, all from before the speed problem was solved.
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Link to Video
Ah! That is the question, isn't it? Sounds very good. There's a real punch and drive to the music, like there's energy being released along with the sound. This seems to be especially evident on my better jazz records, where the sound of saxophones is joyously lifelike and vibrant, and the rhythm instruments force foot-tapping at the very least. I have a Denon 103R cartridge on the SME 3012 II tonearm, which many seem to think is a good match. I look forward to trying some different carts, but that's going to take some additional research.Perhaps I missed it - but how does it sound? Good looks aren’t everything!
I’ve heard for a long while that Windex is bad for vinyl and other plastics. I wasn’t always certain what the best alternatives were. This article from a plastic fabricator recommends Brillianize for all forms of hard plastic, including your acrylic dust covers.
How to Clean Clear Plastics: What is Safe, and What is Not?
When cleaning clear plastics such as Acrylic, Polycarbonate, and PETG it is important to understand what is safe to use and what is not. Despite looking much like glass, clear plastics are polymers with complex structures that respond poorly to glass cleaners. Traditional cleaners such
The blessing/curse of goin up the ladder! And you nailed what you said earlier - nothing will fix a lackluster recording.Stuff like rhino hi-fis, tone poets, acoustic sound series, etc are a lot of fun to listen to though.
Don’t forget the VPI back brace accessory!
I'm still so, so scared. I did just manage to get my cart successfully removed from the Pro Ject table without ripping and wires out so I'm pretty stoked about that.Don’t forget the VPI back brace accessory!
I'm still so, so scared. I did just manage to get my cart successfully removed from the Pro Ject table without ripping and wires out so I'm pretty stoked about that.
Now, time for a VERY rookie question. The screws that hold the car in place on the tonearm. Did those come with the table? Or the cart? Like should I keep your foot the new table or should that be included with this table which is being sold to a store?
I am too however it's not going to be fair because the stage is being swapped at the same time so it'll be impossible to tell what's doing what sound wise. I'd actually prefer to not do it this way but I didn't have a choice, the deal came along and I had to jump.@Mather I am so psyched to hear your takeaway vs the 2Xwhatevertheycallit, but I will be patient. Need to log some hours!
My wife says I am. I longer allowed to talk to you.It's funny, yesterday as I was starting to pack up the turntable a sudden wave of sentimentality washed over me. I started to feel like I was saying goodbye to a friend, I actually feel bad for the table. It was my first turntable and I'm sorry to see it go in a lot of ways.
So in order to get over that feeling I've been watching this gif on repeat for about 12 hours.
So what was the final straw? Was it this post? Or kinda like, the overall ACCUMULATION of posts...My wife says I am. I longer allowed to talk to you.
Great ad!It's funny, yesterday as I was starting to pack up the turntable a sudden wave of sentimentality washed over me. I started to feel like I was saying goodbye to a friend, I actually feel bad for the table. It was my first turntable and I'm sorry to see it go in a lot of ways.
So in order to get over that feeling I've been watching this gif on repeat for about 12 hours.
One of my all time favs. I was gunna post the entire ad but I figured no one is sitting through a 2 minute video about a sad lamp.Great ad!
View attachment 175524
So barren.