I watched the entire thing and it is excellent indeed.This is by far THE BEST explanation/demonstration of turntable setup I've ever seen, and I've been trying to figure out a lot of this stuff for years. So often, the people providing these instructions make the mistake of assuming too much about what the viewer/student already knows, and they end up leaving out some of the most important stuff (like what half of the fucking acronyms actually stand for!). This guy nails it, man. I've been schooled! Best 35 minutes I've spent on my computer in a long time.
1918 9th of October: the Electrical Phono Film Company is founded by Axel Petersen (1887-1971) and Arnold Poulsen (1889-1952) with the objective of developing one of the world’s first synchronized sound film system.1923 12th of October: the first sound film recorded indoors is shown at the...www.noteworthyaudio.com
I even pulled out a test record and ended up increasing my anti skate a bit. It sounds even better.