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Thoughts on U Turn vs. AT for a basic $250 table? My close friend was gifted a table for Xmas but it's a cheap one from Costco and I'm urging her to hurt her husbands feelings and return it then upgrade.
Both are fine, really depends on which is the cheaper at the moment or if there's any bundled carts or anything that would uide me. I'd personally probably buy U-Turn because they're local (ish) but either will do fine in this price bracket.
Thoughts on U Turn vs. AT for a basic $250 table? My close friend was gifted a table for Xmas but it's a cheap one from Costco and I'm urging her to hurt her husbands feelings and return it then upgrade.
If the only reason they are considering an upgrade is because you mentioned it, then you shouldn't have mentioned it.

That's the epitome of gate keeping that turns people off of the hobby.

They are to allow you to use a second integrated for the selected channels.

For example you might keep the AVR for films but get say a fancy PrimaLuna or the like integrated for music. They have what is called a HT bypass input. For music you use just the 2 channel amp. For HT you use both and the AVR uses the 2 channel amp as just a power amp for those two channels.
They are to allow you to use a second integrated for the selected channels.

For example you might keep the AVR for films but get say a fancy PrimaLuna or the like integrated for music. They have what is called a HT bypass input. For music you use just the 2 channel amp. For HT you use both and the AVR uses the 2 channel amp as just a power amp for those two channels.
I know I've been over this before but where would I connect the 2 channel pre/power to on the 550? Don't I need a pre in for that?
I know I've been over this before but where would I connect the 2 channel pre/power to on the 550? Don't I need a pre in for that?

It depends how you are using it. To use the preamp as a preamp for your arcam then then yes.

If the preamp/power or integrated amp are almost an entirely separate system for music only but sharing the same front speakers? Then you’d need them to have a HT bypass input. The scenario would work the same as how I described above.