Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

In a twist, I called my dad's old store and got ahold of someone who has known me since I was a kid.

He said SVS would be the rec for film. KEF the rec for music. Said the new Q Meta series do magical things but are also power hungry. Then pushed me towards higher end B&Ws that they sell refurbished versions of.

Sent a bunch of stuff to my dad and now I'm gonna go think on it.
It’s definitely a step up from your Arcam.
Yeah it is, in theory. Far more power and dedicated 2 channel. However Dirac is customizable and I have it locked in, and RoomPerfect is kinda just take what it gives you with a few changes. I'm not sure it'll be a whole lot better. But either way I need another amp in order to do this move downstairs so if I'm not happy I can sell it pretty easily. I prefer the idea of separates. But the 3400, show demo, full warranty for $4500 CAD is a screaming deal...
Welp. It is done. Lyngdorf (1).webpIt was the first unit on my list like 2 years ago. Show demo 60% off retail with full warranty and shipped from the distributer...I gotta do it. If I want to go separates I can probably trade this in for close to what I got it for ($3000 USD). 400 watts, RoomPerfect, streamer, HT Bypass and $6000 off.
Welp. It is done. Lyngdorf 3400.View attachment 229895It was the first unit on my list like 2 years ago. Show demo 60% off retail with full warranty and shipped from the distributer...I gotta do it. If I want to go separates I can probably trade this in for close to what I got it for ($3000 USD). 400 watts, RoomPerfect, streamer, HT Bypass and $6000 off.

I’d like to A/B your 400 watts versus my 40 sometime just to see what 10x solid state/digital is like versus tube!
Oh I was looking at the Fyne Audio website and noticed they’d launched a new Vintage Classic Gold to bridge the gap between the Vintage Classic and the Vintage. Vintage Classic styling but walnut real wood veneer front meets Vintage Classic tech. Someone want to front me €15k for the XV?


Oh I was looking at the Fyne Audio website and noticed they’d launched a new Vintage Classic Gold to bridge the gap between the Vintage Classic and the Vintage. Vintage Classic styling but walnut real wood veneer front meets Vintage Classic tech. Someone want to front me €15k for the XV?

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One day I will have a Fyne. They cool AF.
Yeah I’m a big tannoy fan, sound wise, and the story of them moving production far east and all their engineers in Scotland setting up their own new speaker company in a pretty depressed post industrial town on the outskirts of Glasgow is a pretty compelling one!
I'd read they scrapped the plan to move everything to China when everyone objected to it initially. Did they eventually do it?
I'd read they scrapped the plan to move everything to China when everyone objected to it initially. Did they eventually do it?

Yeah around 2016 all the manufacturering left Scotland and went to China. By that point they only had the high end stuff in Scotland and the standard speakers were in a 3rd party factory in china. 2016 was them opening their own factory in china and moving everything there.

The R&D was still in Manchester at that point, I don’t think that ever moved to the far east.