i find it funny how Nintendo are advertising this next Xenoblade game as a game that newcomers can enjoy without the context of the previous two. in reality, this trailer shows how convoluted the game will be, both story-wise and gameplay-wise (which i am all for it)
been seeing others suggest how certain things in the trailer might allude to Xenoblade X and the Xenosaga games from the ps2 era thus retconning the entire Xeno games into one storyline (as of now, the only way the xenosaga games and xenoblade are connected is with the conduit and the cameo borderline-filler appearance of kos-mos and t-elos in xenoblade 2). i haven’t played the xenosaga games, and playing them now would be a hassle due to how pricy they are the second-hand market, but i may just pull the trigger now that xenoblade 3 will be released sooner!!