Everything Video Games!

Yeah just looking at the stats and what they're saying about the Pro, it's basically that you can now play quality mode at 60 fps instead of 30. For $1000. No thanks. The 60 fps performance modes are generally close enough to the quality modes in most games that it's not worth the difference for me. If I could play PC high settings at 60 then that's a different story for that price.
The quality mode at 30 fps is good enough for me as well. I hardly notice a difference between 30 and 60 fps.

But I know there are a lot of people out there where this is a huge deal to them, and they insist that 30 fps is unplayable.
The quality mode at 30 fps is good enough for me as well. I hardly notice a difference between 30 and 60 fps.

But I know there are a lot of people out there where this is a huge deal to them, and they insist that 30 fps is unplayable.
I much prefer 60 but it also depends on how well the 30 is optimized with blur etc. But either way I prefer 60 with lower graphical presets because in most cases I can barely see the different in the resolution or reflections etc vs the 30 fps quality mode.
At $700 I'm not upgrading my PS5 anytime soon. But the PS5 Pro does look like a beast. My real question is, is the Pro even worth upgrading too with the PS6 due in 3 or 4 years from now?
They can release a new console with all the bells and whistles they want, but it’s pointless if there aren’t any good games. There just haven’t been enough PS5 only games that I’ve wanted to play.
It's over. It's finally over. I finally managed to crawl my way out of the pit of despair and madness that was trying to beat Greedier with Tainted Lost. I'm happy to report that I have finally achieved victory over what is among the hardest, if not THE hardest, challenge I have completed in any game. Took somewhere around 175-180 attempts. I'm not someone who R keys either, these were all runs that I played until I died. Hit 160 losses last week, and decided to take a little pallet cleanse for my sanity. Switched to another character I still needed to beat Greedier with - Tainted Eve. Took 3 runs to get a victory. Switched back to T. Lost and was right back in the suck. All until Monday, where I happened to luck into an early C Section, Tech 1 and Bone Shards, which sync really well. Couple that with maxed out tears and high damage, and I was poised for victory. I bet those last two sentences raise some big eyebrows for anyone that doesn't know the game. Wondering early on when the game was going to decide to kill one of my most powerful runs ever. Would it be the enemy spawning in directly on top of me? Would it be an exploding enemy so close a Super Computer couldn't stop the shot that kills us both? Turns out the game decided to be cool for once, and not only did nothing spawn on top of me, but I ended up doing a perfect run. Still had my original Holy Mantle from the card you start with.

I now have 12 achievements left and am ready to have fun again.
I'm loving it far too much but it's definitely more because of the eye candy than the gameplay.
When I was a young airman, so ~21 years ago, I bought a collapsible grappling hook. I was living in the barracks and it was definitely taken out after a bunch of us were beer-lubricated 'cause, ya know, every 20-something wants to be a ninja at some point in their timeline.

It was mostly grappling it from one barrack balcony to another and then a bunch of drunk nutsacks staring at it and wondering "Now what?"
When I was a young airman, so ~21 years ago, I bought a collapsible grappling hook. I was living in the barracks and it was definitely taken out after a bunch of us were beer-lubricated 'cause, ya know, every 20-something wants to be a ninja at some point in their timeline.

It was mostly grappling it from one barrack balcony to another and then a bunch of drunk nutsacks staring at it and wondering "Now what?"
Hahaha that's amazing. And hence the obsession with grappling hooks was born...
Hit credits on Astro Bot. All I have left is the master challenge gauntlet, which I might have to attempt in small sprints. It's also the last achievement I need for platinum.

Loved the game overall, but a couple of the challenges did get me turnt. (Looking at you, "Splashing Sprint" and "To The Beat.")
Not quite video games but since I use it for games and I spec'd it for 1440p gaming....

I finally bought a new PC after having the same gaming PC for just over 5 years (ancient!). TBF, I was still playing all the games I wanted.
.I ordered a Maingear MG-1 custom build:

CPU - AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
GPU - NVIDIA 4070 Ti Super
MOBO - MSI x670E Gaming plus
RAM - 64GB (2x 32)
OS Memory - 2TB
Secondary SSD - 2TB
PSU - 1200 watt platinum
AIO Liquid cooling
Finally went back into Elden Ring this weekend since I had covid like a month ago. Turns out I left off on the path to Messmer. What an insane fight that is. Not ashamed to say I summoned for it, which I don't think made it that much easier. Seemed like there was a very good lore reason for the NPC summon in the fight, can't wait to watch VaatiVidya's lore breakdown there. Second phase of that fight is BONKERS. I'm still not entirely sure if I just got lucky in dodging, or if some of the stuff happening on screen is just there to mess with you. Really cool visually though and had me saying "whoa!" a lot.
10! Only 10 achievements to go in Isaac. Got wins with Tainted Blue Baby and Tainted Lazarus since the Tainted lost nightmare. Weird coincidence, but Eve, Blue Baby, and Lazarus all took 3 attempts each to get the victory. I only have Tainted Samson and Tainted Keeper left to do Greedier with. Kept them for last intentionally because they're fun characters to play.
9! I've decided to countdown the final achievements in Isaac as I get them. Beat Greedier today with Tainted Samson. Broke the 3 run streak, got this one first try. Found some interesting synergies and anti-synergies specific to this character. For those not in the know, this character builds rage as he does damage, leading to a Berserk activation after enough is dealt. The Beserk mode has a short range, high damage bone club that lasts as long as you keep killing enemies. Since Greedier is constant waves of enemies, it's real easy to steamroll a lot of it once Berserk procs. However, I found the first anti-synergy early in the run with Ipecac. This adds explosive tears. Very powerful, but lots of self-damage potential. Combined with the Berserk I found myself coming out of it right as I hit fire, causing the Ipecac to shoot instead of the club swinging. TONS of self damage happening. A floor or two later I found another synergy specific to Ipecac and Berserk: Brimstone, which is a charged laser blast. Adds the explosive effect to the beam, but the need to charge stopped the point blank explosions. Managed to get lots of health, tears and damage thanks to getting the Swallowed Penny, which drops coins as you take damage. Late in the run I found another anti-synergy that's going to seem like a typo: I had too much damage. The problem here was that the damage would proc Berserk VERY fast, cutting the Brimstone beam short and leaving large gaps where there was no damage happening as I rushed in for the Berserk attack. I did manage to still win pretty easily, but the build would have been much stronger in the end without the characters built in ability.