February 2025 Spin Challenge

Day 21 - No One Eats Alone Day - Have a fellow member pick a record for you to play, or play something you know another member loves.

Going back to my first stack ever made - by @zomgbear and spinning one of the 5 they picked out.

I'm picking the Cliff Martinez because I just ordered his score for Neon Demon the other day.

I remember picking this up for 6 bucks just prior to the pandemic breaking out - then the movie got popular again...because it seemed to be pretty accurate...not in death count, but in most other aspects. And I pretty much love most things Steven Soderbergh makes. ( I haven't watched the Magic Mike movies, though.) I love that he is willing to sell out to then make the movies he wants to make...I'm on board with that.

Cliff Martinez – Contagion (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Real Gone Music – RGM-0584, 2011/2017

"Biohazard" variant (Yellow & Red Swirl) - Limited to 1200 Copies

Cut by April Golden at Golden Mastering
Pressed at Rainbo


Day 24 - Twin Peaks Day - Play a soundtrack from a TV show/movie, or something that relates to Twin Peaks.

Beach House - Teen Dream

The chorus of the track “Silver Soul” is apparently a Twin Peaks reference. I’ve actually never seen the show (I know, I know. I’ll get around to it eventually), but after a quick Google search this is what I came up with.


One of these days, I need to go to Japan and pick up these Japanese records in person, among many other things.
Excellent choice.
The Rolling Stones "Goats Head Soup" (1973 Rolling Stones Records; 1979 Japanese pressing)
I enjoy seeing OBIs that have a close/identical translation of the album title, rather than a pure transfer of the pronunciation by means of katakana. In this case, "soup of the goat's head."
Day 19 - Tug Of War Day - Play something by someone you or others have a less than favorable opinion of at one point in time.

When the 'grunge explosion' was happening, I couldn't for the life of me understand why Pearl Jam was being put on a pedestal above other NW bands like Screaming Trees, Soundgarden, TAD, Mudhoney and Alice In Chains. I still don't when you're talking that 90-96 period.

I warmed some with this record. Well aware I'm in the minority but they're still in the second tier of 'Seattle scene' bands for me.

Pearl Jam - Yield

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Day 24 - Twin Peaks Day - Play a soundtrack from a TV show/movie, or something that relates to Twin Peaks.

Chris Isaak "Heart Shaped World" (1989 Reprise; 2022 reissue)
Chris Isaak acted in twin peaks, his music featured in David Lynch movies and Lynch directed the video for Wicked Game.

Gonna chalk up Valentine's Day as an L, no matter what suggestions @TenderLovingKiller® attempts. First ever black square on a challenge calendar; might proxy it with a meme. Anyways...

Day 15 - Annoy Squidward Day - Play something that would annoy your best friend/spouse.

Terry Riley - A Rainbow in Curved Air


My best friend from college isn't so much an avantgarde music listener, even if this is one of the more accessible of its kind.
Gonna chalk up Valentine's Day as an L, no matter what suggestions @TenderLovingKiller® attempts. First ever black square on a challenge calendar; might proxy it with a meme. Anyways...

Day 15 - Annoy Squidward Day - Play something that would annoy your best friend/spouse.

Terry Riley - A Rainbow in Curved Air

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My best friend from college isn't so much an avantgarde music listener, even if this is one of the more accessible of its kind.
Glad to see you back at it! I guess the crush could just be an artist you adore? :)
Day 24 - Twin Peaks Day - Play a soundtrack from a TV show/movie, or something that relates to Twin Peaks.

Yo La Tengo - Old Joy

I never watched Twin Peaks and probably should, and I have no idea what this is a soundtrack to. So there you have it, perfect choice. But damn this record is fantastic, just wish it was longer.

Day 20 - Love Your Pet Day - Play something reminding you of a pet you've had.

When we bought our first home, my wife thought it would be a good idea to become a foster parent for the Humane Society.

When we got up to 6 dogs that never left, she had to stop.

With that said, every pet we've ever had has come from a rescue, animal shelter, etc... They're just the best.

I'll dedicate this post to a little Brittany Spaniel from our initial rescue days. This guy was the runt of the litter and grew up in horrific conditions. His "owner" would throw a loaf of bread into a pen occupied by 8 dogs whenever he felt like it and that was the extent of their nutrition. I really hope there's a special place in hell for him.

Being the runt and not being given enough food to begin with, his growth was severely stunted. His back legs never developed - they operated more like flippers - and he reached a full grown weight of only 17 pounds, roughly half of what a normal Brittany should weigh.

My wife chose the name Chester based on the gimpy deputy from Gunsmoke and I attached the surname Burnett.

Our little blues legend had a helluva run all things considered - he later lost an eye - and made it to 14.


Howlin' Wolf - Cadillac Daddy: Memphis Recordings 1952

Day 24 - Twin Peaks Day - Play a soundtrack from a TV show/movie, or something that relates to Twin Peaks.

Yo La Tengo - Old Joy

I never watched Twin Peaks and probably should, and I have no idea what this is a soundtrack to. So there you have it, perfect choice. But damn this record is fantastic, just wish it was longer.

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You should check it out, it’s a great movie. It’s set in Oregon, stars Will Oldham (aka Bonnie “Prince” Billy) and is directed by Kelly Reichardt who only makes great movies (Wendy & Lucy, Meek’s Cutoff, First Cow)
Day 16 - Do A Grouch A Favor Day - Play something you enjoy when you're grumpy or down in the dumps.

Tim Hecker - Virgins (signed)


Like being in the eye of a hurricane. Swaths of destruction and chaos, viewed from a safe place almost as if the world is deconstructing at 10% speed.
Tim has been the only ambient-centric concert I have been a participant of that felt as if the ground were about to give way. The sensation was like a minor earthquake.
Day 24 - Twin Peaks Day - Play a soundtrack from a TV show/movie, or something that relates to Twin Peaks
Street Fighter OST
I think Twin Peaks is one of those things that take a while for you to wrap your head around so I went that direction with this movie soundtrack. The movie Street Fighter is bonkers, I can't believe they thought it was a good idea to make it and I have trouble thinking that they saw the final outcome and were like, yep, we nail it! The soundtrack makes less sense, it's filled with all original rap songs by big named artists, oh and MC Hammer and Deion Sanders, and they are almost all about street fighting or street fighters, it's so wild!
Day 21 - No One Eats Alone Day - Have a fellow member pick a record for you to play, or play something you know another member loves.

Would someone be so kind as to pick one for me? I've only been playing Black artists for the month of February so that's the only criteria. And anything I have rated one star is in storage.

Mos Def - The Ecstatic

Courtesy of @avecigrec

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