Hip Hop

I'm not going to knock a hustle, and I don't totally agree with the need for a 1 copy limit always being mandatory on all releases -- 2 seems fair to me, especially on black, with how crazy these EU shipping prices are and the fact that a lot of folks are getting an extra to either help someone else out or to trade for a completely different drop they are inevitably shafted on -- but the bots get me. At least, wake up and refresh like a dumbass, clicking the wrong shit while frozen with adrenaline like the rest of us. Don't use skynet to scoop up half the fucking copies.

Yea 100% 2 per account is golden, but apparently even with 1 per account 1 guy snagged 40 lmao


:: peeks out from blinds ::
Damn bro I'm kinda glad I missed this release lmao
seriously. I haven't listened to this one yet and have no Conway vinyl but still had to really talk myself out of getting this. I still am buzzing from kind of wanting to get it, but that will be gone in no time and I'll be happy for not spending the money I shouldn't be spending on something I don't even know I really want.
@PineapplePhantom sold me a black No One Mourns The Wicked at face value yesterday. Grateful 🙏 I'm not gonna even attempt to go the completionist route on Griselda unless I win the lottery lol. Its nice to have some though. This will be only my 2nd Griselda vinyl after The Plugs I Met. I just can't start going crazy on them, the stress of missing out and the dent in my pocket would be too great of a heavy load on me