Hip Hop

Whats to figure out? Getting paid 2 cents per song is messed up.

Its all there is to it.

Buy albums you like/Support artist you like properly (merch/hard copies/concerts)
If you hate an artist just steal from em,stream and disregard them completely cause fk em.

2 cents would be a lot better. I think Spotify pays like 0.007 cents per stream.

Edit: see below, I was wrong and it is $0.007ish
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Whats to figure out? Getting paid 2 cents per song is messed up.

Its all there is to it.

Buy albums you like/Support artist you like properly (merch/hard copies/concerts)
If you hate an artist just steal from em,stream and disregard them completely cause fk em.

I'm totally with you on supporting the artists but I stream to determine if I like an album or if I'm not at home to listen to my records. I think your stance is a little bit ambiguous on that to me on whether I'm still stealing if I stream when I've already bought the album, or if it is out of print or really expensive.
Whats to figure out? Getting paid 2 cents per song is messed up.

Its all there is to it.

Buy albums you like/Support artist you like properly (merch/hard copies/concerts)
If you hate an artist just steal from em,stream and disregard them completely cause fk em.

But getting paid zero cents per song for uncleared samples isnt messed up?
I'm totally with you on supporting the artists but I stream to determine if I like an album or if I'm not at home to listen to my records. I think your stance is a little bit ambiguous on that to me on whether I'm still stealing if I stream when I've already bought the album, or if it is out of print or really expensive.
Also the artists are getting more money in the end if you buy their merch and stream their songs. They arent even getting the fraction of a penny per song when you spin a record or play a CD. Not saying artists arent getting ripped off from streaming, just to call it theft is laughable imo.
2 cents would be a lot better. I think Spotify pays like 0.007 cents per stream.

Haha yeah.

I say 2 cents cause people will probably play a song more then once.

I dont even know how we even got to this point tbh just insane. Alot of the artist I listen to have went into detail about how much it steals from them/takes from them I just dont understand why so many people after seeing that still think its great to go take bread from some musicians kids.

I feel it was the big corps way of trying to find middle ground for piracy or something.

But getting paid zero cents per song for uncleared samples isnt messed up?

If a child draws bugs bunny or some cartoon should the child be forced to pay some kind of fee or perhaps charged with some kinda crime?

If art is used/reused in a non commercial way then its fine. It only becomes theft if you make money of someone elses work.

Should still be credited tho whever possible so the non commerical music can still act as a promotional tool for all artist involved.

Im not a girl scout so when I talk about all this streaming stuff I am mostly only thinking off underground artist who can barely afford to eat without music and use music as way to try make a living.

Like I said earlier I give no shits about rihanna or [insert generic mainstream artist here] makes another million.

All about the struggling/independent artist.
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Haha yeah.

I say 2 cents cause people will probably play a song more then once.

I dont even know how we even got to this point tbh just insane. Alot of the artist I listen to have went into detail about how much it steals from them/takes from them I just dont understand why so many people after seeing that still think its great to go take bread from some musicians kids.

I feel it was the big corps way of trying to find middle ground for piracy or something.
It takes 286 plays at 0.007 cents per play to hit 2 cents. o_O

Edit:OOPS! My bad, I'm an idiot. It is $0.007 not cents. So only 3 plays for 2 cents. Raking in the cash.
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Didn't realize YouTube was so much worse. 0.0007

Doesnt youtube give you more with ads tho? So you do have a slightly higher pull rate with those turned on I think
I just assumed that tho because that pewdie guy is a millionaire lol
Doesnt youtube give you more with ads tho? So you do have a slightly higher pull rate with those turned on I think
I just assumed that tho because that pewdie guy is a millionaire lol
Not sure but he probably has billions and billions of streams. Sorry everyone for the topic detour.
Not sure but he probably has billions and billions of streams. Sorry everyone for the topic detour.

Its these convos that keep this forum alive.. its been slow af lately

Just come in here once a day and pop off some rants by saying something like __________ is the worst rapper and make sure its a loved rapper and bam the convo is reignited lol
Its these convos that keep this forum alive.. its been slow af lately

Just come in here once a day and pop off some rants by saying something like __________ is the worst rapper and make sure its a loved rapper and bam the convo is reignited lol

Chance The Rapper may be the most boring ./ corniest rapper ever. Besides maybe Childish Gambino..
So does anyone want this Crimeapple X DJ Skizz: Wet Dirt record before I try to offload it somewhere else?

Its a good album. If I had the money I would so its a pass from me. (broke)

Legend for giving us all a chance tho before it goes elsewhere!