Home Improvement Thread 2: Electric Redo the Loo

It wasn’t even like a special soft wash attachment. Straight up high pressure nozzle.

I would have stopped him or at least given him a heads up, but he still has a Trump flag up so I just waved and said “looking good”.
That's just... perfect. What an asshole.

"Great job taking ten years off the life of your roof Bob! Ya dickhead..."
This is the second week in a row that a bird (Carolina wren) has flown in my house. Any idea how to keep them out?
Do you know how they’re getting in? Do you have a chimney? My first guess is that the wire cage at the top has come loose.
It’s just another step in the slow devolving of my character. Eventually, I will be an octogenarian on a rocking chair with a BB gun, yelling profanity about squirrels and birds, and shaking my fist as I tell the young whippersnappers to stay off my lawn.
It’s just another step in the slow devolving of my character. Eventually, I will be an octogenarian on a rocking chair with a BB gun, yelling profanity about squirrels and birds, and shaking my fist as I tell the young whippersnappers to stay off my lawn.

Is that just you now, but younger? I’d be disappointed if not…
This is the second week in a row that a bird (Carolina wren) has flown in my house. Any idea how to keep them out?
What you need here is a unique and tailored solution, one to fit just the problem that you, the valued consumer, has. Here at "Mather Industries®" we like to think of our customers as "The Problem™" and us as "The Solution™". It helps to keep us laser focused on the task at hand, which in this case, is deadly bird intruders, and we here at Mather Industries know that killer birds are no laughing matter and that's why we have come up with several solutions to this problem. First solution, did someone say lasers? Ha ha yes indeed we did say lasers, a couple sentences back but now we're saying it again but only this time it's LASERS capitalized to indicate that now we mean business. We will outfit your home with a series of lasers which will fire indiscriminately at any winged potential purveyors of bird flu that happen to breach your airspace. For a small one time fee of $2.7 million dollars we'll have this system installed and ready to go by Monday. Mather Industries does not accept any liability in regards to death/dismemberment or raging forest fires that may occur due improper use of lasers. I assume you are not surrounded by any vegitation or other living creatures you're particularly fond of?
Well no matter because we have a second less expensive option for the frugal homeowner, "Mather Industries Whole Home Bird Zapper©". For the low low one time fee of $29.95 + bus fare we will toss chicken wire over your entire house and then attach your powerline to your eavestrough. It's a very effective low cost solution that we think you might enjoy, provided you don't touch anything in your house at any time and always wear rubber soled shoes. Also the water will have to be disconnected, for safety. We're on our way so please have the money ready.
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Had a tree fall on my fence in the hurricane a couple months ago and decided to redo that side myself. Definitely underestimated the time that removing the old posts and putting new ones in would take. Probably should have done a double door gate as this one is quite heavy with the 3/4" pickets but we'll see. Proud of it. Dog is very happy.

