Home Improvement Thread 2: Electric Redo the Loo

I want there to be a biopic of your life, just so I can see the negotiation scene where the seller and his real estate agent are across a table from your team, listening to your offer, while a montage of the test sample heist is intercut with the seller agent whispering into the seller’s ear and the seller’s eyes opening up as he realizes how screwed he is. Lol.
Well the thing was, this seller was a ROYAL pain in the ass and his own agent was so incredibly sick of him by this point that she was actually calling us behind his back and telling us how to get him to agree to the sale. He initially agreed to the price but then refused to sign the official papers for 3 months. By this point I had sold my condo and literally had no where to live. But it was probably fair payback for my sneaky sneakyness.
Well the thing was, this seller was a ROYAL pain in the ass and his own agent was so incredibly sick of him by this point that she was actually calling us behind his back and telling us how to get him to agree to the sale. He initially agreed to the price but then refused to sign the official papers for 3 months. By this point I had sold my condo and literally had no where to live. But it was probably fair payback for my sneaky sneakyness.
Turns out, that guy has an infrared heat lamp directed at your porch and has it set to turn on when a deliver person shows up and it turns off when you open the door.

And now we know why all your records are warped.

But hey small price to pay for perfect house with a murder dungeon and endless birthdays.
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We made an offer less than asking the night before the house was supposed to go on market. After the inspection, we asked for like $10k off and after a bunch of other stupid - at signing, homeboy ended up cutting us a check.
Anyone know how often a water heater should be flushed? We’ve lived here for 5+ years with no issues, but I heard from someone that it should be done.

We also have a water softener hooked up to our water, so unsure if this means the flushing is technically already done by the softener.
Anyone know how often a water heater should be flushed? We’ve lived here for 5+ years with no issues, but I heard from someone that it should be done.

We also have a water softener hooked up to our water, so unsure if this means the flushing is technically already done by the softener.
Should be in the manual to your water heater. I should look it up.
Tiles are here. Just spent another $500 at Lowe’s. The upside of a lengthy Reno like this is I can walk around in my overalls all the time for a reason other than I am a country bumpkin.