
FWIW I like some of FJM's work, but my post was less about the merits of FJM himself and more about the prevalent train of thought that still perseveres in a lot of snobby music circles that Taylor Swift can't possibly be considered a great songwriter because her work tends to be marketed towards the masses. Also, the difference in how someone like Taylor and someone like FJM are treated in a lot of music circles. You don't need to look very far on this very forum to find posts detailing how much Taylor Swift sucks and how little she deserves her success and popularity. And for the most part, these posts don't get a lot of pushback, because it's pretty much expected and accepted at this point in male-driven music circles to say that Taylor Swift is overrated and her music sucks. But when someone does the same to FJM, suddenly several posters come out of the woodwork to defend him. My only real point is that some (unfortunately, I need to put emphasis on
some) of the guys that deify FJM can't handle it when someone shows that same reverence is shown to a "popular" artist. Obviously that does not apply to every FJM fan, but I've known enough elitist snobs in my life to tell you it applies to at least a couple.
Really though, let's be fair, neither FJM or T-Swizzle really need to be defended. Both are among the most acclaimed artists in their respective fields so I'm not trying to proclaim one as better than the other necessarily. There's things I like and dislike about both artists personally. But I do think it's bullshit when Taylor gets looked down upon and has her accolades minimized because of the type of music she makes.