Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

I kind of liked Everybody Loves Raymond for what it was at the time. It wasn't groundbreaking, or anywhere close to being one the best sitcoms ever, but it made me laugh.
I like these things. They helped to put me to sleep!

My apologies then, I was going for the sorta go-to shows to hate. Well... uhm. I'm trying to think of more universal stuff that we all can agree on?

Fantano is a total bellend? Does that work for everyone?
There you go again not understanding how to use words. My citing your own statement to counter your assertion that nobody was doing a thing was not passive aggressive, but direct in nature.

Except that you didn't cite my own statement until after the fact.

I loved Breaking Bad and Mad Men. Started watching them when I still had cable. Finished them up on Netflix. I have never seen The Wire. Probably won’t. Not because I’m “institutionally racist” or whatever that means, but for the same reason I’ve not seen the Sopranos, or most of Game of Thrones, or any other myriad HBO shows. I don’t subscribe to HBO (don’t really have any desire to do so) and I don’t torrent or otherwise illegally acquire media I don’t pay for in a legitimate fashion. The end of the golden era of streaming and everyone keeping their content for their own streaming services is just going to lead to folks like me not watching shit, and not caring about it.

I'm NOT sorry you took offense at my use of institutional racism that wasn't directed at you. That was a personal choice.
What saddens me most about all of this is that I have defended you repeatedly (mostly in the old forum) because I think you have a perspective that's worth hearing / sharing, but when you quote something I said without referring directly to the post and follow it up with "whatever that means" as a way to invalidate it you aren't relaying that perspective just posting passive aggressively.

I've tried to approach you with respect in spite of our differing political and world views and it's pretty messed-up to me that you would then take my comment about people (in general) who refuse to watch a tv show personally and then post antagonistically (troll-like).

I hate to do it but you're on ignore. I wish that you could engage productively with things you disagree with, but what you did here was make a bunch of assumptions about my intent, intelligence, knowledge and then passive aggressively comment on it so that you could accuse me of the very thing you just did. I really wish that as someone who has a differing world view to many folks that you could share it without the accusatory tone.
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Except that you didn't cite my own statement until after the fact.

I'm NOT sorry you took offense at my use of institutional racism that wasn't directed at you. That was a personal choice.
What saddens me most about all of this is that I have defended you repeatedly (mostly in the old forum) because I think you have a perspective that's worth hearing / sharing, but when you quote something I said without referring directly to the post and follow it up with "whatever that means" as a way to invalidate it you aren't relaying that perspective just posting passive aggressively.

I've tried to approach you with respect in spite of our differing political and world views and it's pretty messed-up to me that you would then take my comment about people (in general) who refuse to watch a tv show personally and then post antagonistically (troll-like).

I hate to do it but you're on ignore. I wish that you could engage productively with things you disagree with, but what you did here was make a bunch of assumptions about my intent, intelligence, knowledge and then passive aggressively comment on it so that you could accuse me of the very thing you just did. I really wish that as someone who has a differing world view to many folks that you could share it without the accusatory tone.
Don’t really expect you to see this, and I’d rather not post it publicly but as you said you have me on ignore, I don’t have much choice other than this or to walk away completely. Honestly, that’s probably the smarter option but I’m not often accused of being smart.

Just one question, do you wish to continue to litigate this or have me on ignore? Please pick one as it strikes me as a bit uncool to continue to make statements and continually re-edit them without allowing the other party the ability to engage directly. If it’s the former, you know where my inbox is because I’m going to respect the wishes of management and cease the public discussion of this.
Fantano is a total bellend? Does that work for everyone?
I actually really respect that he sticks by his opinion regardless of how much shit he gets for it (MBDTF being a prime example, I disagree with his opinion like everyone else but the man has stood his ground on it.) He's also not afraid to do an actually negative review unlike alot of music publications today. And he also consistently remind viewers that they are HIS opinions and that no one should take his word as gospel.
I can see how he comes across as a bit annoying though.
Oh. Ok literal territories. Yeah I'm not familiar with that being phrases as "American Territories" I thought this was like a phrase for how parts of the country are so different they're like their own little territories.
A lot of folks aren’t aware that the US still maintains so many around the world.
A lot of folks aren’t aware that the US still maintains so many around the world.
I was aware of them but I'm so used to hearing "U. S. Territories" used that "American Territories" just sounds really alien to me. Alot of Americans don't even know it. People where I live showed callousness to the people of Puerto Rico during the Hurricane releif efforts not even knowing that they are a territory...
This is true but I still think it’s fair to compare relative merit and I stand by it! That said I like neither so who cares what I think...

The golden age of steaming is dead. Networks are going to go back to holding onto their own content and we are all going to have to have 7 millions subscriptions again or just accept that we can’t watch every show...
*Slowly hoists pirate flag*

A lot of people are already starting to hop back onto the piracy train. The ease and convenience of a couple streaming networks having EVERYTHING really dealt a blow to the vitality of the piracy community over the past decade or so, but now that everything is becoming even more splintered out and compartmentalized, a resurgence is definitely happening

On the topic of Stranger Things and Santa Clarita Diet (respectively mediocre and terrible shows, IMO), I'll take it a step further and say that Netflix has the worst track record for original content out of all the major streaming networks. They have a whole ton of "pretty good" stuff, but almost nothing sticks as a legitimate "great", even the programming that Netflix is most known for - House Of Cards now has more bad seasons than good ones, the best Black Mirror episodes are the ones made pre-Netflix, Stranger Things is 80s pastiche. Their business model is to flood your attention span with hundreds of original shows that can keep your attention just for as long as it takes for you to get hit with another show to watch. In terms of critical acclaim, Netflix hasn't had anything that begins to touch The Wire, True Detective S1, or The Leftovers. Even in terms of cultural zeitgeist, Netflix STILL hasn't had its Game Of Thrones or Sopranos